50 star?
8 years ago
New York, USA

SIgo did some 50 star runs of this game, so I think this should be a misc category.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

50 star is pretty special, i think sigo, zeldafan and teensies_king ran it but that was like 2 years ago... and sigo, teensies and maybe even zf did finish their runs at bowser 2 and i think it normally ends at B3. So we have 3 "reasons" which are making it unsure for me if i should add it:

  • not runned since 2014
  • barely runned
  • rule complications

especially i have no idea "how" i should add it because of this rule problem

Edit: I could eventually try to add a second variable for subcategories to seperate B2 and B3 ending (which is for 50 star only). But we should first make a decision if it should be added or not

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 years ago
Luvbaseball58 इसे पसंद करता है
New York, USA

k whatever u think is a better idea

New Jersey, USA

Couldn't it be like a no blj category and you just finish b3 after?

New Jersey, USA

I know it's late but there should be a 50 star category because the extreme edition has it, so the original should have it. You can make it so no one can do bljs. Also, there was another run that was done in 2017.


New Jersey, USA

Petition for 50 Star category: (console run)

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
गेम विवरण
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