“Ah, yes, the old Swinging Log of Doom trick. That trick never gets old”
Platform (Subcategory)

29m 54s

टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया Splits.io
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | Search for Justice | 1m 17s 002ms | 1m 17s 002ms |
2 | Warehouse Hunt | 1m 21s 408ms | 2m 38s 410ms |
3 | Birth of a Hero | 1m 11s 918ms | 3m 50s 328ms |
4 | Oscorp's Gambit | 1m 14s 467ms | 5m 04s 795ms |
5 | The Subway Station | 1m 54s 617ms | 6m 59s 412ms |
6 | Chase Through the Sewer | 2m 05s 937ms | 9m 05s 349ms |
7 | Showdown with Shocker | 0m 59s 036ms | 10m 04s 385ms |
8 | Vulture's Lair | 1m 18s 516ms | 11m 22s 901ms |
9 | Vulture Escapes | 1m 51s 267ms | 13m 14s 168ms |
10 | Air Duel with Vulture | 0m 39s 481ms | 13m 53s 649ms |
11 | Corralled | 1m 04s 801ms | 14m 58s 450ms |
12 | Scorpion's Rampage | 0m 30s 347ms | 15m 28s 797ms |
13 | Coup d'Etat | 2m 21s 567ms | 17m 50s 364ms |
14 | The Offer | 1m 11s 922ms | 19m 02s 286ms |
15 | Race Against Time | 1m 44s 794ms | 20m 47s 080ms |
16 | The Razor's Edge | 1m 13s 884ms | 22m 00s 964ms |
17 | Breaking and Entering | 1m 37s 972ms | 23m 38s 936ms |
18 | Chemical Chaos | 1m 42s 949ms | 25m 21s 885ms |
19 | Oscorp's Ultimate Weapon | 0m 56s 326ms | 26m 18s 211ms |
20 | Escape from Oscorp | 0m 50s 334ms | 27m 08s 545ms |
21 | Mary Jane Kidnapped | 2m 15s 936ms | 29m 24s 481ms |
22 | Face-Off at the Bridge गोल्ड | 0m 29s 950ms | 29m 54s 431ms |
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Emulator Categories - GCN/PS2 or Xbox
Rules: Submissions using an emulator must use the original textures and framerate to be verified. Dolphin users are prohibited from enabling "Speed Up Disc Transfer Rate".
We might allowed custom textures in the near future. For now on just use origina
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