Star Fox 2
3 years ago
United States

Hello there, I'm the mod on another Super FX game called Vortex and was running some specific emulation tests and attract mode tests for it.

For kicks, I decided to run the same Attract Mode tests with the rest of the Super FX games I have access to. I was particularly interested in the now Official version of Star Fox 2 as I wasn't sure how things would stack up considering there never was an official cart made, but didn't realize there was a board for the Beta.

Here's what the tests look like:

Basically I'm seeing how far out of sync the different options are after an hour.

While I have all my tools up, I could test the prototype in the same way if there's an interest.

Keep in mind, while the attract mode tests are a good ballpark as to what might be accurate, there's a lot of other factors too. It might give folks an idea for other emulation options to put through paces and eventually allow though.

Let me know!

(Oops the title of this was supposed to be Star Fox 2 attract mode tests)

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
गेम विवरण
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