Should we time out loads?
9 years ago
Oregon, USA

Back in the early days we used to think that the GameCube loaded the fastest and that was mainly due to the fact that no one in the community at the time had an Xbox and so no one could time the loads. But now with the Xbox having the fastest loads, it kinda makes it pro single console. So I was wondering, maybe we should remove loads from runs. This would allow anyone to run on the platform they want, console or emulator and still be able to compare against each other.

Post your thoughts here, I'd like to hear them.

Virginia, USA

It wouldn't make that much of a difference to me, so it's up to you guys that make rules for the runs. I'm going to run the game either way to try to get the best time I can, and I wouldn't mind a little extra competition from other consoles, but it's not the end of the world if load times aren't taken out.

Oregon, USA

Well I'm asking people because a good mod would get runner's opinions before changing. I've seen too many people get upset about changes that were not mentioned to them. So I'm just bringing it up and seeing what others think

Virginia, USA

Yeah, that makes sense. I'm okay with either direction, so I would just make sure with other runners what should be done.

Massachusetts, USA

tbh, I would probably rather keep it the same way. The only reason is that it could make timing be potentially awkward for runs. As for including runners, I ran the entire Ty series on PS2 for the longest time, and still had fun (and WR in ty 2 and 3 for a while). If people truly want to speedrun Ty, then they should make their goal to be the fastest on their console. An alternative that would make more sense in my opinion is make each console a separate category. That would make it more competitive for all, and make so that if a PC version does get released, it can become its own category. However, I will accept whatever the majority decides.

United Kingdom

So for Ty 1 I think this is pretty reasonable, since all loading screens are pretty clear cut, although it's going to be annoying to time them out for console runs since you'd have to basically watch back the recording and do it manually. (I guess an option here is to let people do that if they want to, and have a separate time without loads column on the LB that takes priority where it exists?) But it does seem easily standardised

However for Ty 2 at least (not sure on 3) there are some loading segments that can't be timed out properly, which are the area transitions. How would we go about standardising things around that, since as far as I can tell, there's no real way to time out the area transitions unless you ignore some movement, which then means it's not really considering the whole run imo.

(Also wow I'm really late to this discussion, bad at keeping track of the forums I guess)

EDIT: Another thought is using the in-game timer? Has it really been tested to see if it's accurate or not? You could just then pause the game after beating the boss and read of the IGT?

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