Are you missing a game?
3 years ago

The game might be unofficial, which we don't cover in this series.

First, have a look at the Tetris Fangames series and see if your game isn't represented there:

If it is an official game that you're missing, leave a comment and we'll have a look.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
Georgia, USA

Posting here because my request got denied and i was told to reach out to a series moderator (even though i don't think its entirely fair to classify sega tetris a member of the tetris series and more as its own game but i'm not gonna fight and die on that hill)

Sega Tetris for the dreamcast is missing

here is my run:


I can't make a new forum, so I'm writing here. Please add a new tetris from SEGA

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 19 days ago
Washington, USA

Tried to get Welltris submited but I was told to get the Tetris mods to add it, i think it should be added it's a pretty interesting game

Heres my 25 line run it's pretty bad I'm still figuring out the meta:

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