Roblox Staying together
1 year ago

I think Staying together should be in sr.c, there would only be the Any% category because the game is very short, now that I'm writing this it hasn't been updated. I really don't know how to explain what the game is about lol, Could you just look for some gameplay or play the game. (I've been thinking for 20 minutes, and I still don't know how to explain what the game is about lol)

United States

I mean it definitely should be added. It's like teamwork puzzles, where you have two people and you both have to accurately communicate and do the accurate maneuvers to beat the game.

Overall, a good game, odd that the admins declined it. I was shocked myself but... oh well. Hope they rethink it.


the primary reason everyone voted no is that it is too short, site rules regulate that a game should be at least 5 minutes in length, staying together is only like a third of it

ProfessorSakura और VentureMatical इसे पसंद करें

@delft yes the site rules says that but this game is literally the same length as staying together ngl and there's more games with the same length as staying together but hey i still respect the decision

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago
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