How about Super Columns for the Game Gear for this series?
3 years ago
Michigan, USA

Another Columns game I am asking a moderator to add! This one is Super Columns for the Game Gear, and it seems not to be too difficult to beat overall, so more people would be able to put up a time here. I beat it first try despite not being able to use the game's "special attack" since there weren't apparently enough buttons to configure it...

But now I know how to use it, where I haven't found any uses of it on YouTube! What you do is hold UP and press the button you normally use to rotate your pieces into a row in this game - this is the only Columns game in the series that allows you to do this. At least there being /apparently/ not enough buttons explains why no videos I found have had the player use it. It has various effects depending on strength, which this game has five levels of.

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