I certainly can't compete with pro speedrunners of this game, but I wanted to show that I could do this run in one sitting, and I view it as a personal achievement.
In fact, I did it twice! This run cleans up some minor mistakes here and there (but also has plenty of new ones), but I also made sure to follow the rules guidelines a little better than in my first run, by for instance taking my breaks while the timer was running at the start of a couple ng+ cycles, since there's no designated break times.
I probably won't ever run this again, unless I actually git gud at stuff like airswimming, monkey skip, ape skip, etc etc.

You may have noticed that the leaderboards have changed slightly. This is because a new Wrong Warp glitch has been discovered within the game.
Using the Alt+F4 command to Force Quit the game during load screens, players can teleport to normally inaccessible areas in certain situations (