MAJOR CHANGES: Any% Timing And Emulator Runs on RTA!
3 years ago
Uusimaa, Finland

Upon wrestling with this and community complaints/request and to level up playing field for every platform, there will be some huge changes on leaderboard:

Any% changes:

-Any% runs will from now on be timed in in game time!

-You have to finish every race you start! Affective and enforced in all runs submitted after August 15th 2021.

-Pausing during Any% runs is not allowed. This is affective on runs submitted after August 15th 2021.

-In runs submitted after August 15th 2021, it is required to show result screen of Shooting Hoops race!

-Runs submitted before August 15th 2021, that do not show result screen of Shooting Hoops will be timed as follows: Total time from last frame of race will be calculated and 100 milliseconds will be added to this total. -This will also be done for runs that have retired races in them and for every retired race of runs in question, to avoid retroactive rejections!

-If you run on emulator, use of Fast Disc Speed will be banned from now on in every run that is timed in real time! THIS CHANGE WILL AFFECT AND BE ENFORCED FOR EVERY RUN IN CATEGORY AFFECTED ON LEADERBOARD!

-Every run on leaderboard, without video will be retroactively rejected and removed!

-If you submit run within few days of this post, we ask you to be patient, moderators are working on retiming everything!!!!!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
FantasticFox इसे पसंद करता है
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Note that, after discussion in the community, we may be revamping these rules. Specifically, we may switch back to RTA for any%. If you are currently running this category, please make sure you have a split timer running in case this decision is made.

Thank you for your patience.

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Okay, we did indeed go with RTA again for any%. Emu and hardware have been split into different categories.

गेम विवरण
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