Problem with Damageless% 54IC Run (NMG)
5 years ago
United States

In a 54IC Damageless% run, there are two problems in the No Major Glitches catagory that make it impossible.

When leaving the Hecklord fight, the ground is still lava. When the warp is triggered, Beebo gets forced off his skateboar and takes damage. The damage is visible when Beebo re-enters the outside of the building.

Through the Flames and Fire is impossible. After touching the warp, Beebo falls onto lava and takes damage. This is why a battery is at the beginning of the slide.

Both of these can be fixed if the 54IC run allows Walk Through Walls. It is possible to stand on a wall and go Back to Hub, thus not damaging. It is also possible to stand in the wall and touch the Through the Flames and Fire warp, also allowing no damage to be taken.

Hecklord No Damage using WTW: TtFaF No Damage using WTW:

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
Iowa, USA

um dont you have to take damage to get WTW?

United States

Since they patched it, then yeah. In other words, it is actually impossible. Although 52 Ice Cream could still be pulled off.

Wisconsin, USA

There is actually a way to get both the hecklord ice cream and the slide ice cream without taking damage

For hecklord, you just have to pause and return to hub while high enough above lava: Alternatively, you could get the ice cream last.

For the slide IC, you actually have to use a glitch that enables low gravity in the hub, which allows you to touch the loading zone without hitting the lava after:

One last note: the normal method of getting the Final Homerun IC cannot be done because of a section where the intended strat is to dive across lava and take batteries to heal. However, there is an alternative method which is possible damageless:

California, USA

damageless 54 IC coming soon 🤔

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