Other game version: other category
6 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

So now that the 1. and 2. place in Any % have an other version of the game with missing textures I guess this version of the game should be a new category. These textures are effecting the run (like the missing car in TH1) and it's unfair to use this version of the game compared to the normal version of the game

San José, CA, USA

You're using the same version as we are, we just have instanced models turned off


के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
607 इसे पसंद करता है
Bavaria, Germany

OK but still I think this should be a spereate category for a run cause of the same reason as I said in my first comment

San José, CA, USA

adding another type of run just segments the game further, do you really want any% no pickups, Any% no pickups no instance models, any% pickups, any% pickups instance models? if anything it should be a variable when you submit a run since it doesn't do much to the game

607 इसे पसंद करता है

Adding a new category or variable for a time saving strat doesn't make any sense, and we can't have a different variable for every settings or parameter either. The only real separation we can do is RVGL and Re-Volt, so that runs of original Re-Volt (any platform) will be placed in a misc category, and I will do it when I get the time to do it.

607 इसे पसंद करता है
Bavaria, Germany

Well the thing is that it's not just a faster start it's a bunch on props missing on the track that would usually destroy a run if you drive against them. And sure why not opening a new variable to every major change we do in game. In other games there are much more variables so one more won't kill the game :)


We don't open a new category for every time save, that would only keep track of the strats actually used and how the game evolved. It has been done with the picks because of how different the gameplay gets without picks, but for the instance models the only difference really is just nhood1 car and maybe toytanic's chairs.

607 इसे पसंद करता है
Utrecht, Netherlands

I agree with Vas0sky, here. It's a bit of a shame that the instance models go missing, but as it's a built-in function, even in the original game, I've been told, it only makes sense to use it. And enabling them doesn't make as much as a difference as enabling pick-ups does.

renim_g इसे पसंद करता है
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