List of changes - Dec. 15th 2015
8 years ago

So I guess I was supposed to do this tomorrow, but I'll be busy tomorrow and Thursday as well (Star Wars!!! ¤¤)

So it's happening tonight. Or if we magically get 5 more votes towards choice #1 or 7 more votes towards choice #2 in the next 4 hours, I'll remove the new doorskip categories later! :P

So, people voted for re-adding the doorskip categories on PC, so it's back, baby! Le peuple a parlé, le peuple aura ce qu'il désire! :P

So, list of changes :

  • I re-added the doorskip categories for both Chris and Jill on PC.
  • I removed the "No difference between 30 and 60 FPS" in the rules. We all know this was a big fat load of crap.
  • I added a rule stating macros and turbo are banned.
  • I added a rule stating remapping is only allowed in the doorskip section.
  • I added a rule stating doorskip is only allowed in the doorskip section (duh...).

Please let me know what you all think about the new categories and the new rules. Your comments are more than welcomed!

Alright, I'm gonna go do a quick doorskip run so I can be the first one to "baptize" the return of the doorskip section! D: (And have Pessimism beats it without breaking a sweat! ;_;)

Update June 2016: Variable "FPS" has been adding to the PC categories. All runs were defaulted to variable (120 FPS). For those that weren't played on variable FPS, please edit your run with the proper FPS or let me know about it and I'll modify it for you. Thank you.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 years ago
zenix, Plisk1n88 और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

Thanks Lileya! XD.

RawDerps इसे पसंद करता है
United States

YAY. Doorskips are back :D Thank you for taking your time do this, Lileya! Hope to see you guys at the next door load Kappa

I'm glad there FPS description is gone, because that's incredibly misleading as we all know. Now to figure out what the heck is causing the difference with the FPS. :D

Florida, USA

Come to the PC side, Viix :)

United States

Variable FPS can work, but I think you'll be slightly behind compared to someone who can run at a solid 60 the whole game. I've used variable mainly on stream since I lose frames when live so I have to use it to keep some form of stability to play the game. I'll have to thoroughly look into it and figure out where the FPS makes changes. Camera didn't seem like a big deal, but I notice that text cycles were much faster which leads me to believe that's cumulatively adding up.

That's one thing that really intrigues me, because nurmatgfx did a TAS run for the American REmake on GC/Wii and got a 1:21:36 for Jill NG any%. That game doesn't even run at 60 FPS and it's only two mins behind what REmaster's NG any% is. The two games have different text formats. Original REmake text cycles a lot faster whereas REmaster's has a similar scroll effect to past RE games. There's less time for text to pop on GC since it doesn't have to scroll to fade out. It's instant the moment you mash confirm/cancel, which makes sense for the time being that close. It was a TAS and I am nitpicking, but I'm just saying that text cycles seem to be the main culprit for me at the moment.


Glad doorskip is back. There was no real reason to ban it in the first place.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार

Please submit all Resident Evil HD Remaster runs to the new boards.

Console: Steam:

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