Reikai Doushi - The little leaderboard for the little exocist that shouldn't.
4 years ago
Kumamoto, Japan

Should you be reading this, I am worried for you.

This arcade game is scary, not just because your fighting kyonshi (chinese zombies) or the backgrounds and noises which can be disturbing, but because this game breaks rules of 2D fighting games.

You only play as one character.

All the enemies have multiple special moves.

You have no special moves. (That could be found)

Enemies have priority of attacks and can use repeatedly in a row randomly.

You must find a pattern / opening.

The enemy can leave the screen, going completely out of frame for as long as they like.

You have a limit of 2 continues. (4 lives each continue.)

If any decides to play this good luck and you have been warned.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा धागे
पोस्ट किया गया 4 years ago
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