100% NG+ Easy Mode Notes
अपडेट किया गया Smashbro6894
से Resident Evil 7 100% NG+ Speed Run Notes/Guide?
Guest House aka Intro
- Enter house and proceed as normal to attic. Grab video tape and play the Clancy Scene.
- Look down as Clancy and pick up lock pick.
- Run into house ahead of andre and pete. Use lock pick on the cabinet and then exit the video.
- Head into the basement to Mia.
- Grab cutter and cut chain to mias door
- Talk to Mia
- Grab document on the workbench and read both sides.
- During conversation look at the document in inventory.
- Proceed as normal.
- Head upstairs after mianapping, go to bathroom and immediately head back to stairs.
- Grab first aid after mias concussion. Wait a few seconds and trigger sequence. Grab axe and murder mia.
- Wait for phone call in front of window near phone.
- Grab the coin from locked drawer in kitchen, and grab fuse from cabinet in hallway.
- Insert fuse and trigger crazy mia scene.
- Get arm reduction. Looks slimming.
- Head to attic and straight to ladder to initiate boss fight with mia.
- Use the axe as she jumps down and just wail on her.
- Wait for jack to knock you out.
Main House
- Get out of chair.
- Go get key to hatch to get to laundry room.
- Try main hall door.
- Go under house and grab antique coin on the lawn mower.
- Unlock door and then answer phone call.
- Grab items from storage box.
- Shoot Mr. Everywhere underneath tape recorder.
- Head to kitchen trash bin and trigger police officer.
- Open garage door control box and head in to fight Jack 1.
- Walk up and use circular saw on Jack until “fuck you and the horse you rode in on”.
- Get behind shelving and wait for him to get in car.
- Use the circular saw on him as he drives car and he should be fake die.
- Head over to ladder area and wait for him to get up.
- Crouch and use circular saw on his feet.
- Let him grab you and fight will be finished.
- Trigger Jack scene at ladder then climb up.
- Start removing the Ox and move shelf while it unscrews. Grab ox after moving shelf.
- Insert the Ox piece and destroy Mr. Everywhere in pile of junk further down the hall while door animation happens.
- Head through door, immediately to the left is a Mr. Everywhere, keep left and the drawer at the end has an antique coin.
- Grab pendulum in grandfather clock near scorpion door.
- Read newspaper next the grandfather clock and head upstairs using the right stairway.
- Take door on the left where GranE is chilling nearby.
- Go left, then right at the snake door, then go into the brown door on the right.
- Head to the drawer behind bar and open it, grab the dog head in the book at the entertainment center, read the note in the drawer behind the bar, then exit the room.
- Head to the bathroom. Drain the tub, grab the antique coin in the toilet, and the puzzle piece in the tub.
- Trigger Jack encounter and just go around him.
- Go left as you leave, dropping downstairs and into the living room.
- Put the pendulum in the clock, read the newspaper behind you, grab the dog head, and read the store note on the right as you leave the living room.
- Head back to the main hall area and solve the shadow puzzle, make sure Jack isnt nearby or he is dead.
- Head into crawl space.
- Shoot Mr. Everywhere next to crow door. Go through door and grab coin on the table.
- Head to safe room next to stairs to basement and open drawer under record player. Read both sides.
- Head to basement, go down the left hall. There is a molded around the second corner, shoot him with the Albert and go into the door on the right.
- Read document on the wall above sink, then shoot molded in room.
- Solve the puzzle and grab the key.
- Leave the room and go straight, bear right and head into the first door on your left. .
- Continue through and into boiler room. Hug the right wall, avoiding molded or killing, use key on the door.
- Go to the right, up the stairs and to Jack 2.
- Shoot in head with Albert, then use circular saw to trigger 2nd phase. Grab chainsaw and repeat until dead
- Defeat Jack, cut bar on door and head out.
- Pull the barricade open, to the immediate left there is a coin in the hole in the wall, grab the scorpion key, grab the treasure photo in the back right corner, and head out the door to the left of the door you came in.
- Head left at the end, up the stairs, and open the scorpion door on the right.
- Do quick menuing as door opens, discard the photo and move things around as needed. Then go into the main hall.
- Insert the dog head pieces into the door, head out and down the stairs, to the right of the stairs is a coin.
- Head to the trailer and shoot the Mr. Everywhere under the first step to the trailer door.
- Head into the trailer.
- Head outside and then turn around to answer the phone call.
- Head to the Old House.
Old House (Marg)
- Go inside and to the right, and then into the next room. Shoot the hive in the fireplace and go in.
- Head straight into the next room and grab the puzzle piece, turn around and pick up the coin to your right after you exit the room, and the Mr. Everywhere behind the pallet atop the stairs.
- Trigger Marg.
- Use circular saw on spiders to access the door and head to the puzzle room.
- Go through the double doors and to the left.
- Grab the backpack and shoot the Mr. Everywhere to your left and head back to the puzzle room.
- Complete puzzle, head through crawl space, and straight to the other end of the room.
- Go in the crawl space to the right.
- Grab the crank, and smash the Mr. Everywhere on the way out.
- Use the crank to raise the bridge and go straight through the door to the fireplace.
- Go through the door to the left of the fireplace and then head out the door to the right of the sink. (Avoiding Marg)
- Proceed through and raise the bridge using the crank.
- Open the chest in the room across the bridge and take the crow key, and grab the coin on the toilet to the right.
- Head back to the first bridge and go up the stairs to trigger the cutscene with Marg 1.
- Albert her face and try to finish it quickly.
- Use the crow key on the door, and read the document to the right.
- Walk straight up to the case and use the codex to unlock it, don’t open it. Turn right and walk down the hallway into the first room on the left.
- Read the document on the table to the left.
- Leave and head left to the next space, examine the lantern scale, smash the Mr. Everywhere and grab the coin in the room.
- Head back to the case and read the document in it then answer the phone call. Go back to the pit Marg fell in, inject yourself with an upgrade and skip the animation by falling down the pit.
- Go fight Marg.
- During Marg death rattle, use another upgrade.
- Grab lantern.
- Head straight back to the lantern scale, put lantern on scale and grab the antique coin out of the dresser in the back right corner.
- Grab D-Series arm, kill Molded using saw to the face right outside door and head to the trailer.
Testing Facility and Jack 3
- Go back to the trailer, open fridge, read note on back of head.
- Head back to the basement in the Main House and find the officers corpse.
- Reach in and grab the snake key. Go right when you leave and use snake key on door down the stairs.
- To your immediate left is a Mr. Everywhere hiding next to buckets and then just head through back upstairs.
- Go to crawl space room and grab the upgrade from the secret spot in the fireplace.
- Go to the main hall.
- Head up the right staircase and head in the door on the left.
- Open the snake room and head down the hall in the brown door on the right.
- Use the crow key on the door. Shoot Mr. Everywhere in basket, grab antique coin next to it, and read note on table a few feet away.
- Head into crow door and read note to the immediate left on the desk, and open drawer to the right on the door and read the note.
- Head back to the snake room.
- Read the note on the left desk, use lamp to open attic, read note to the left of the ladder, then climb ladder into attic.
- Solve the shadow puzzle, unlocking the blue keycard.
- Get toy axe from the left of the ladder, shoot the Mr. Everywhere next to the ladder and head back to main hall.
- Go across to the snake door across the room and open it.
- Go in and read the note on the globe that is on the nightstand, turn the clock to 10:15.
- During bed moving, go into the room on the right and grab the backpack for final upgrade of inventory.
- Go back and drop into the crawl space under the bed.
- Grab red keycard on workbench with siamese deer thing and exit through door in the back.
- Make your way back upstairs and into the yard.
- Kill the molded in the yard and go to the secret chest in the far left corner of the yard.
- Use the toy axe to solve the shadow puzzle, and take the upgrade.
- Use the keycards on the door and head up to watch Lucas.
- Head down hallway and avoid the traps until the keycode room.
- Trigger scene, deposit unnecessary items, and use upgrade.
- Head through secret door.
- Take a right the go into the room at the end of the hallway, destroy the traps and open the drawer with the coin, and cabinet with the upgrade.
- Head out and continue through to the right.
- As you go up the stairs, shoot the Mr. Everywhere on the pole to your right.
- Trigger scene with fatty and shoot him as he spawns, ending fight asap.
- Go into elevator, use upgrades on the way up.
- Head through, and open the stairs down, grab coin on shelves to the right of the button, then read the code on clancy.
- Deposit everything in the storage box and go play the birthday game thing.
- Trigger Lucas by trying to go to cake, then head to stove and wait for control.
- Use code LOSER to open door and grab valve.
- Wait for forever for dynamite.
- Grab D-Series head and retrieve stuff from storage box.
- Go out the door and turn around. Shoot Mr. Everywhere above doorway and then continue through.
- Use crank to raise bridge and run across.
- Keep going the head right. There is a Mr.Everywhere in the room on the right-hand side, try and shoot it.
- Use crank to raise second bridge, shoot molded that hops out of water and head into the house. ‘
- Head upstairs.
- Defeat Jack 3.
Mia and Ship
- Use serum on Mia
- Head through ship. Not much else to do.
- When under the ship, take the second right and grab coin.
- Turn around and keep going.
- When dropping into the water, the left corner on the ground has a coin.
- Climb up and head up the stairs and take a right.
- Go through the double doors and grab the fuse in the back left area of the room.
- Go back through the double doors, go left, and use fuse on door at end of the hall.
- Proceed up to the 3rd floor, go in the door, and walk through to the tv and immediately grab and start the tape.
- When you regain control, turn left to the small table and read the note on it.
- Head out in the hall and go left. Take a right and go through the wooden double doors and find Evies vomit pile.
- Head to the double doors while you wait for the call to end.
- Open the doors and go right, right, and the left through the door.
- Just proceed through the room to get around the blockage (shut the door as you exit).
- Keep going and call the elevator. Keep going down hall while waiting for elevator and grab all your weapons from the storage box in the first room you spawned in.
- Kill the molded in the elevator and go down.
- Go through, avoiding the molded, and head in the door.
- Go left, and go into the door on your left.
- Go around and up the stairs, killing the molded, and into the double doors.
- Keep going, ignore the yellow door on the right, go into the door on the left, open the shutter, grab the acid.
- Use the acid on the yellow door, and walk through and cutscene stuff.
- Walk around the catwalk thing, head back through the door you came in and go back to the elevator.
- Kill molded and wait for elevator.
- When the elevator opens, go in and head up.
- Crawl out and go left, proceed through and head into the brown double doors again.
- Go right and head into the next set of double brown doors and head out the hole in the back right corner.
- Go through the open door and up the stairs to the 3rd floor and proceed to the tv room and go into the door on the left. Trigger the cutscene.
- Go into the next room and go through the door across the room and trigger the next cutscene, ending the tape.
- Loading times >.>
- When you regain control, head out the room behind you and open the elevator.
- Climb up the ladder and drop into the next room.
- Go straight, take a right, and the head into the door on the left.
- Grab the lug wrench and head out.
- Open the elevator door.
- Drop down and use the lug wrench on the hatch.
- Drop down and go on to the 2nd floor.
- Go right, head into the room with the storage box and grab your weapons.
- Go left, down the hall, and to the right and though the brown doors.
- Bear right and go into painting puzzle room.
- Turn the first painting on the left 2 times, the next one 3 times, the last one 2 times.
- Open safe, grab corrosives, and head back into the hall and go right.
- Head into the door at the end of the hall, and up the ladder.
- Examine the box. Grab the lock pick from it, then shoot the Mr. Everywhere behind the ladder.
- Drop back down, and head straight down the hall.
- Go into the door at the end of the hall, and down to the first floor.
- Exit the nasty door, grab the fuse, and head straight down the hall opposite the nasty door.
- Go right at the end, and head into the first door on your left. Kill the molded if you can.
- The bed in the back left corner has a document to look at, then head through the door on the right side of the room, and read the book sitting on the table.
- Head out the door and the end of the room, and go straight.
- Climb onto the elevator, head up the ladder, and onto the third floor and go left.
- Read the document in the case on the floor in the left corner and head into door.
- Open lockbox around the corner, kill molded on floor near door, and use corrosive to open door and head in.
- Go grab the connector and head back, grabbing the coin on the way back.
- Use the fuse and connector to power up the elevator and head to the top floor (4).
- Go right and shoot the Mr. Everywhere sitting along the left-hand railing on the stairs. (It kind of blends in so look carefully.)
- Head back to elevator and go to basement (S2).
- Menu over to the acid so you are ready to use it.
- Head through like you did in the tape, avoiding the molded as best you can.
- When you go through the door near the fat molded, at the bottom of the stairs is a cabinet, use the acid and get the coin.
- The go into the door on the right, trigger the cutscene, and thats the ship.
Ethan and Endgame
- After the cutscene, head through the set path. When you get up the ladder, head into the shack and grab your items from the storage box. Use the coins to unlock the cages with the two upgrades.
- Go out the door and go left to shoot the Mr. Everywhere sitting in the window.
- Turn around and keep going through the “road?”
- Press the button to open the elevator door and try to setup to molded to be outside when you go down.
- Use upgrades on the way down.
- There are traps and molded in the next area so deal with them in whatever way works best.
- Head forward out the elevator. A fast molded will crawl out of the ceiling.
- Deal with the wire traps and head to the right. Avoid the molded that assemble.
- When you come to the fork, go right, then into the doorway on the left.
- Proceed and push the mine cart down, destroying the blockade. Go through the opened path, avoiding the molded.
- Bear left and destroy the Mr. Everywhere in the back left corner of the room( above your head area) and head up the stairs, destroying the wire traps as you can.
- Go into the room, read the laptop, then behind the bathtubs on the right is an upgrade.
- Continue through and leave the room.
- Open the case with your apple watch and mix the stuff to get the thing.
- As the mixing happens, head to the bookcase across from the door you came in and read the note there, then head to the desk past the case on the left and read the note there. Turn around and head up the stairs and on the right, read the note on the desk.
- Now grab the thing from the case and head out the door up the stairs.
- In the cabinet on the left are some near rounds for the grenade launcher. Grab those if needed.
- Head out the door and back into the mines.
- Hug the left wall and go into the hallway and through the door.
- Prepare whatever weapons you have and get ready for the holy shit room.
- Avoiding the molded the best you can, proceed through the area.
- Keep going up until you get to the broken stairs, drop down and ready the near round for the fatties coming up.
- As they spawn, shoot the ground near them and try to hit both of them with the round, stunning them enough for you to climb up the ladder.
- Keep going until you push through the wooden door. as the flashback with mia happens, turn around and shoot the Mr. Everywhere in the bookshelf through the doorway across from the room mia is in.
- Proceed through the house as normal, using the upgrade.
- House through the kitchen to the hallway, trigger the scene with Evie, then head back up to the attic.
- Avoid the mia, head into the attic, and inject mia with the serum. Blocking during the pulsations to avoid damage.
- As you regain control, in the back left corner are some ammo and items.
- Try and kill her as fast as you can, using handgun ammo and switch to shotgun when possible, then back to handgun since its a faster reload.
- When she has you by the leg, use the shotgun and shoot her in the face.
- Grab the handcannon and end the fight.
Twitch submissions moving forward
Hello! Everyone!! some updates to the Re7 Board i would like to bring to everyone's attention. I have updated the submissions guidelines doc. Please read though it and refresh yourself on the rules of the boards. [
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