RE7 Moderation Issues
7 years ago
Missouri, USA

As for the other not sure when it was made but im pretty sure it was made to have a community because for whatever reason there was no community.

And No disrepect but lets just be honest here, would you REALLY have wanted to be a part of it anyways? We arent hard people to find if you wanted to be a part of what we are doing.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Snoozexd और Psarthex इसे पसंद करें

I was't trying to punch nobody. You can make perception verification, to go around mind reading. i do not know how to show the ridicule of the situation otherwise and to call the good exemple, for the rest I wrote. Like I say if my first message, when you do something very bad in public, you live with that. I am a honest fellow, I do not lie, trow thing at people. Nobody feel the need to meme my act <3

I like to know what you think of the rest of my post ? At least you have read it, you can has well take the good too. No ?

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
United Kingdom

As far as the community goes, it's really up to the players conscious effort to keep the community active.

I can't really speak for the RE7 players, but for RE1/2/3 at least, the community itself is pretty much contained within the general discord. Lot of people in there regularly talk about the games, and whenever someone new has come in the players have made a conscious effort to try help them as best they can. Tournaments/Races have been held to keep players engaged, and so forth. A lot of the community effort isn't even on the boards, it's the interaction between players about the game, as well as the actual act of speedrunning the game. Not leaderboards or This site is just a way for people to categorize their times and have them listed, nothing more.

If the people of RE7 want an active, thriving community then blaming its shortcomings on anything to do with is going about it wrong. It's in the runners hands to keep discussion and player activity going. Not really anyone else's. A moderator doesn't need to take lead in something that spearheads a method of keeping the RE7 community engaged -- anyone can do so. If a player wants to host something, like an event (RE2 recently had an event where 16 players all raced to see who came out on top in a Leon A race) then anyone is capable of doing so. Something like that would draw interest, players come back, get interested again, and so forth and so forth.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago

i mean the regular RE discord has two dedicated RE7 channels that nobody uses

like if you're trying to avoid specific people that's fine, but I don't get the complaint that they're not interacting with you if you're avoiding them successfully

[quote]would you REALLY have wanted to be a part of it anyways?[/quote]

it's not disrespectful at all, but it is sort of missing the point

As for joining, ehhhhh. Maybe? Like, very maybe. Like it'd be awkward as fuck but if I ever return to The Grind I would quite like to know where strats are at. But that's not really the point, which is that the criticism is sort of a weird point to level at the mods when no effort has really been made to communicate it to us.

[quote]We arent hard people to find if you wanted to be a part of what we are doing.[/quote]

True, but I can't even begin to have that line of thought if I've literally got no idea it even exists.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Missouri, USA

"If the people of RE7 want an active, thriving community then blaming its shortcomings on anything to do with is going about it wrong. It's in the runners hands to keep discussion and player activity going. Not really anyone else's. A moderator doesn't need to take lead in something that spearheads a method of keeping the RE7 community engaged -- "

Someone who is a large part of our community and discovering strats etc. was banned from the Resident Evil discord by a moderator of this game on

I also think it comes down to the fact that situations have happened that makes it very uncomfortable an unwelcoming for some runners to want to be in any kind of a communicative situation with you guys being involved that doesn't directly have anything to do with their runs and the verification thereof. I think that was the whole point of this thread even being made was to try to fix that. I think I said my original post it saddened me that I almost missed a chance to be a friend to someone who is presented to me in a bad way. And that same aspect I think stuff like this sucks because I can't even get to know who you are or play games with you guys. I don't think any of you are garbage human beings because none of you have ever wronged me, however there is stuff out there that makes other people feel that way about you and whether you are or not is irrelevant because that's what people believe. Something took place at some time that earned you that reputation to some people. If that's not true that sucks. However I have personally seen one of you guys say that Resident Evil 7 Runners are human garbage... That doesn't give much Merit to the fact that you might want to hang out with us and be involved. I was really hoping my post try to get this shit settled would have actually worked so everyone could just move on with this shit because personally I'd rather be somewhere talking about boobs or something but that's obviously not going to happen. Anyways that's probably why the other was made. Others were probably very uncomfortable in the other one thus it never got used. For me personally I wasn't even invited to the other Discord I thought it had been shut down for child porn or something. I eventually got in to it but never used it because I was already a part of the new one. Goes doing what I needed so I never gave it any other thought. Anyways I do hope someday you guys can move on from these things and we could all hang out together cuz I would love to share strats with you punchy if you ever needed them and you should have that ability to find them. From the looks of way things are still going though I don't see that happening unless I'm serious salt is removed from some people's lives and start extracting their energy on more important and positive things.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Snoozexd और Psarthex इसे पसंद करें

yeah for attempting to troll lol, this was actually totally unrelated to RE7 as well, it was about something else entirely

just because you're good at a game doesn't mean you get a pass on acting like a tit

edit: although just so we're super clear, i didn't ban him because I don't even have that ability

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Missouri, USA

Sorry edited above post before i saw u respond Punchy

United States

This comment has been redacted by the moderator team because it contained offensive slurs.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
maxylobes इसे पसंद करता है

All of this feels like a very elaborated script for a stage show and I love it. Keep it up y'all.

Snoozexd और Psarthex इसे पसंद करें

will do SeemsGood

United States

Just a few things I want to clear up.

@maxylobes, I want to apologize that how I typed that came across in any way that you were wrong in how you responded. I agreed 100% with how you responded when Psarthex mentioned it in his stream and I don’t think anyone really felt any different. I’m truly am sorry if that came across as that you did anything wrong or bad because that was completely unintentional.

@Carcinogen and SuccinctAndPunchy, I also want to apologize to the both you. I screwed up and never spoke with either of you about any of this before making the post. I made a mistake doing that. I’m certain that we could have had a civil discussion without the need for the huge public display and that’s 100% on me.

I said from the start of this thread that I was speaking on behalf of the majority of the active runners for RE7 and honestly, I don’t agree with everything that I posted but I was willing to speak on their behalf. There are things that I do agree with, but I don’t personally feel that Punchy or Carci should be unmodded. Whether they stay in those positions or not doesn’t affect me personally, and I’ve said this previously to the very people I was speaking for. I’ve watched Carci’s videos for years at this point, and I have absolutely no issues with either of them personally. I can fully understand if they’re not my biggest fan now or dislike me, and I wouldn’t fault them for it at all.

Generally, I feel like I screwed up by making this thread. I am sorry literally to everyone that has been involved for making a mess. I take responsibility for that, and understand completely if anyone has grown to dislike me because of it and I’ll accept it. I hope that I haven’t wrecked things so badly with anyone that it can’t be repaired, but again, I understand it if I have. There were points that I was trying to make, and I attempted to do so clumsily. To the point where instead of staying on message I turned it into a Psarthex thread. I’ve apologized to him already for bringing him up at all here because it really only escalated things with him and honestly the only involvement he had in this thread’s creation was when I said, “Hey I’m going to bring up some issues that people have with the mods, is it ok if I mention you as a way of using an example.” and he said it was ok.

I’m very appreciative to Zenix, SuccinctAndPunchy, and Carcinogen for agreeing to mod me during this monkey-crap-fight of a thread. I think it shows something about them that they were willing to accept this guy whose voice was literally calling for them to be removed and make him a mod, and I think that maybe people should take that into consideration when you think about them. I promise that I will take this role seriously and I will do what I can to help move this community on from the mess that I stirred back up. And once more, I want to sincerely apologize for stirring it all back up.

As far as the other discord is concerned since Punchy inquired about it, it is a RE7 specific discord for discussing strats, glitches, game mechanics, routing, fails, and more. I made it a little less than a month ago and have intended on posting the link for it to the SRC forums since creating it but I have been waiting to post it until we had more strat videos pinned so it could be a decent resource immediately when it was posted here and not something that was slowly built up. The link for that discord will be posted here as soon as we get a few more videos pinned.

Psarthex, maxylobes और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

3x ¤Clap¤

that was beautiful, am in tears.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago

[quote]However I have personally seen one of you guys say that Resident Evil 7 Runners are human garbage... That doesn't give much Merit to the fact that you might want to hang out with us and be involved.[/quote]

I don't really know why you feel the need to say "one of you guys". It was me, I said that. I wrote an angry tweet once following a lot of explicit personal harassment from the RE7 community (seriously context is everything) and it's true I don't think especially highly of anyone who defends/participated in that garbage but I can probably get over it for long enough to go faster. Or at the very least I can just harbor a resentful grudge while learning new stuff anyway.

I'm only going to reply to a couple of things in Prawnik's post because it's a bad post by someone who doesn't even seem to run the game but:


It's literally his job. That is his livelihood. No shit he doesn't like people deliberately attempting to fuck up his primary source of income with drama. That has an adverse affect on his ability to feed himself. You really don't seem to appreciate that perspective at all. I'm not a career streamer but you do not fuck with someone's livelihood knowingly, that's pretty heinous.

[quote]rather than saying "Oh, BUT HE COULD potentially charge the cash back".[/quote]

No, again mate, peril of the job. If you get a suspicious donation from anyone, you fling that shit the fuck back. PayPal and basically anything that handles money (like, ya know, banks) really really hate chargebacks and will fuck you under the table if you get too many. This can include losing access to your money entirely under the grounds of they now think you're too dodgy to handle money for. This is really fucking bad if you literally rely on that income to survive. It is very very not hard to understand why that would also be taken very seriously for someone who's job is literally streaming.

Like of all the things you could nail Carci for you started with "cares about having rent money".

[quote]Get a discord server ruled by decent people without ego issues and with a sense of humour.[/quote]

I didn't ban him. I can't ban him, I literally don't have that power in the RE discord.

[quote]thus it is rational for him to apologise for all that has happened so far. Because one wrong move and his power might be gone.[/quote]

he has the exact same power as me wtf I'm not a supermod or a series mod

but seriously you're now attempting to twist his words to fit your own viewpoint against someone else, which is bizarrely shitty and kind of demeaning to zgl? Like you're now accusing him of lying out of fear to keep mod. Which is not what he's doing at all? We want him to be a mod, we pretty much unanimously think it's a good idea even while he was calling for our removal. And it is a good idea, why the fuck would we kick him out after such rapid agreement?

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
maxylobes इसे पसंद करता है
United Kingdom

I don't even know why you even bothered responding to that honestly, Punchy.

Zgl made this thread with the intention of paving over some tension, and trying to help people better understand each other. I can't help but feel some people here have the intention of self-destructing. A lot of these posts are so confusing and really counter-productive to Zgl's intent throughout.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
s1a1n1d1i और zgl इसे पसंद करें
California, USA

I honestly don't even know why you're posting here Prawnik. You seem to have absolutely nothing to do with this or zgl's goal from this thread. All you're doing is speaking your mind. Which, quite frankly, doesn't matter in this situation. Not only do you not understand what it is like to have a full-time job creating content that is initially free in the first place, but you're just taking jabs at everyone. Including the person who started this thread. If you want to speak your mind about the situation, please do so outside of these forums. Your say has absolutely no impact on this game, so go back to Outlast.

Same with Jakasmo. Just leave and stop getting involved in something you have nothing to do with, just because you have your own "universal truths".

Please, leave.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
J_Dolan इसे पसंद करता है

i like to think of it as, prawn is a good moderator of a game, and he respects the community and knows how to take a joke, when succinct and carci on the other hand hate the community because they can't take a joke nor keep their opinion to theirselves.

Psarthex इसे पसंद करता है

Do we actually have a specific moderation issue that needs tackling or are we just going to explain why we don't like each other? Because I'm totally uninterested in repeating the latter in yet another thread and I think the actual moderation issue got resolved pretty much immediately.

Like ordinarily I'd just let the thread go normally but people, including some who don't even run this game and appear to just be sockpuppeting seem really keen to pointlessly stoke bickering and I'd quite like to not have that on the forum, thanks.

If there's an actual problem to stay on target about, then we can continue. But if we're just going to keep hurling insults with no actual direction or solution to be sought, then I think this thread has just about run its course.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
United Kingdom

I don't know how taking a joke or speaking ones mind has anything to do with game moderation issues, though.

Seems more like it's an attack on each other's person, moreso than actual game moderation issues. The only fault here, really, is that Psarthex's run should've been verified as any other runners was, though that issue is now handled/taken care of.

Being banned from the General RE Discord (which is owned by Garl_Memory, and was made for more of a general chill in terms of chat), or having spats on Twitter is totally unrelated to anything to do with SRC, and personal beefs should be kept off of SRC. As far as the General RE Discord goes, when it was made the idea was for it to be a place for people to chill, chat about the games in a speedrun sense -- like any form of trolling isn't allowed there and it's not the place for jabs at other people. Like it's obvious Psarthex doesn't like Carci and Punchy and visa-versa, so on Discord just click the block button and ignore each other. Simple. Instead, Psarthex's literal first message in the discord was a message to provoke Punchy knowing full well him and Punchy are not on good/joking terms. This is why the ban was made, because this drama will not carry over into the discord. It'd be a different story if he had spent a decent amount of time in there, but that was his first and only message. Not a good first impression.

Keep that stuff in private or over twitter.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
maxylobes इसे पसंद करता है
United States

I'm going to have to agree with Punchy on this. I think this thread has crossed over from anything resembling constructive to poking at embers trying to keep the flame going. If you have any more issues or generally have something involving this thread you want to get out you can DM me on discord, my info is on my profile here on SRC. In an attempt to help move on from this, thread locked.

Rossrossy, s1a1n1d1i और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Glitchless is a GO GO!

Hello! Runners im happy to announce that Glitchless is up and running on the CE board!!!

Glitchless Is temporarily Any% Only until further runner activity or demand

Beat the game as fast as possible without using the followin

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