Saving time on the robot maze
अपडेट किया गया nerdgaming68
से On the 1st maze...
Normally, you would need to memorize how to do it... making your inputs slow. But you can do it faster if you have the ability to remember all of them by heart so you can just do it faster. My best time for completing the maze (not the maze where you need to write inputs on remote) is 9.99s thx to that trick
btw the inputs are...
A W W D W W D W A W D W W A W A W D W A W =)
Unarchiving Legacy Categories
Hi everypony,
Back in the day when categories would go out of date, I would just make them miscellaneous and replace them with new ones. However, when the site rework happened a couple years ago, I opted in favour of just archiving the categories but, unfortunately, does not allow you
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