Quake 3 Speedrun
9 years ago

Hello everyone!

I'm new in everything when it comes to speedruns.. so like Quake 3 seemed the only game i can find time for right now to try to speedrun (since it doesnt have that long of a mission line) :'D

But umm.. yup , what do i have to know , do and have before trying to speedrun it? Also how do i get one of those fancy timer thingies you guys seem to have , would be awesome to have one also!

Thanks for anyone that possibly finds time to help me out a little <: !

Czech Republic

Well, you might want to find some streaming guide before you even begin speedrunning RTA. You could do the run with just Fraps, though, but it will be without on-screen timer, so it will have to be timed manually.

As for "speedrunning" this game, you first need a config. There's loads of console commands that will help you playing this game, but you don't have to use them if you don't want to. In-game settings is quite okay.

Some helpful commands:

r_fullbright 1 - I think this needs to be set every time you start the game. What it does is make the whole game bright, but you have to use lightmap. If you use vertex, your game will look really bizzare. r_picmip 1-15 - The higher the number, the less detailed textures will be. 15 makes all walls just one color, which is best. r_integrity/gamma - Brightness settings. cg_forcemodel - Makes all enemies your model. Recommended is tankjr/blue cg_drawgun 2 - Makes your weapon "stable". Also helps to narrow your lightning gun shaft. I recommend to use drawgun 0 for all other weapons. cg_truelightning 1 - Ignores ping for your lightning gun. cg_drawtimer 1 - Shows in-game timer. com_maxfps 125 - Limits your fps to 125. Always make sure you have stable 125, because that's the number the physics work best with. ch_crosshairsize - Size of your croshair. sensitivity - Mouse sensitivity.

There are many more commands, so if you need more info what each setting does, open your q3config.cfg in baseq3 folder and google it.

Then it's just about your skill, map knowledge, movement skills, spawn knowledge and a lot of luck.

Expect a hard time learning all the tricks. It takes a LOT of time to master it.

Mii इसे पसंद करता है

Thanks for the explanation and tips , lets see if my slow brain can make sense out of it :'D .

Czech Republic

Yeah, this is oldschool game, so it requires a lot of knowledge and skill.

Victoria, Australia

can i get some help please, i startup the first level and this happened on the run i submitted, i have to wait for the first enemy to spawn in and its userally about 10 seconds, anyone have any idea why?

all my settings are on low and i put in most of the commands above

the enemy models command isnt working it says its not a command?


You can force match start by issuing the command /map_restart 0 in the console. You will probably want to bind this to a key. As for the enemy models, this is not included in the base game and you will need a mod such as OSP or the more recently updated CPMA that supports these commands. I'm not completely sure what the rules are about mods though.

Czech Republic

No mods until someone finally makes a category for this.


interesting, you guys are aware some of the top runs on this are using Noghost/modded clients right?

Czech Republic

What do you mean?


cg_forceenemymodels doesn't work in Vanilla Quake 3 unless I'm missing something. And bL1ss run has everyone as Keel Blue. Appreciate the help either way, trying to cut my PB down to 45 mins.

Czech Republic

It does work. Maybe it's "model" instead of "models", I don't remember now. Keel/blue is fine, you can have any model you want (enemy models copies your model). The only thing I don't know is how to display shadows under enemies. cg_shadows 1 doesn't seem to have any effect. I've never had this issue with OSP/CPMA/QL, but it just doesn't work for me in vq3.


still no luck on it, it works in Quake Live though.

Czech Republic

Can you paste or upload your config? I will try it.

EDIT: I see you did some runs in Team Arena. TA is quite different from VQ3, so it's possible that forcemodel doesn't work there.


Yea, not a lot of console commands work in Quake 3 Team Arena. I'll upload my CFG to pastebin.


Team Arena is a whole other ball game. You can't change anything atleast console side. All the commands are UNKNOWN COMMANDS.


it's cg_forceModel "1" btw. the command you listed is for Quake Live.

Czech Republic

OK, sry for that.


lol dont be sorry it's my own stupidity :P I was under the impression Force Model was for the Sarge model. Didn't realize it translated to what model you were.

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