Puyo Tetris any% Guide
Puyo Tetris any% Guide
अपडेट किया गया 4 years ago से Yoshi100_Aus

This is a guide for any%, detailing general guidelines for the Versus modes and specific score requirements for maximum efficiency in the solo trials and Big Bang.

Below are the general guidelines for the VS stages and Tiny Trial, aside from Big Bang (those have points requirements and are given further down).


  • Tetris vs Puyo: Go for a double Perfect Clear, finish with extra if needed.
  • Tetris vs Tetris: Go for a double PC.
  • Puyo vs Puyo: Go for a 3-triple, 4-double or a 5. (Triple/double means clearing 3/2 groups at the same time for the last link.) In later stages, you can go for just a 4 (or a powerful 3) as the AIs will have more of their board filled.

Puyo vs Tetris: Go for a 6 chain or a strong 5, follow up as required.

Tiny Trial: The trick to levelling up in these stages is to clear groups of 5 on separate pieces drops (clearing two groups at once doesn't work, and chains don't help).

Swap: Reset until you get the mode that you are more comfortable with, though ideally you can do both.

  • For Tetris: Double PC is ideal but risky, especially with limited previews. You may simply want to T-Spin to win.
  • For Puyo: Play it the same way as Versus mode Puyo vs Puyo.

Party: lol break time, just don't forget to get some points before you get a snack or something.

Fusion: Hard to determine exactly how many chains you need because power can vary, but you'll want about 3 and a half rocks of garbage sent to the opponent. Make sure that your chain concludes after the AI places down their mino set (or rather, that they receive the garbage with their last mino), or a few pieces before they reach a mino set; otherwise they'll waste time making their minos sink through the garbage. (Note that there's some delay to garbage falling after your chain concludes; therefore, having your chain resolve a little before the opponent has finished placing their second-to-last mino is also fine.)

The guidelines below will help you with solo challenge stages (Endless, Ultra, Marathon, Fever) along with Big Bang. There's a couple of alternatives for certain stages, which are indented accordingly. For the Fever stages, I've included all of the scenarios that should occur for a good run - accounting for if the game doesn't grant an AC at the start, and such. For cases where only "clear" is stated, you should only clear; getting an AC wastes time (unless it's the final clear; then you can do whatever you want). For Big Bang stages with a +, you'll need the difference between you and the AI's score to be at least that amount, rather than a set amount.


  • TSS = T-Spin Single
  • TSD = T-Spin Double
  • TST = T-Spin Triple
  • TS0 = T-Spin... Zero? No lines need to be cleared
  • ndouble = Having the last link of the n chain being two sets of colours at the same time; (4+5) means that that final link must include a set of 4 and a set of 5 (at least).
  • AC = All Clear

Stage Guidelines:

  • 1-4 (Tetris 1.5k): TSD (remaining pts from top out)
  • 1-6 (Tetris 3k): TSD
  • 2-4 (Puyo 5k): 2double (4+5)
  • 2-5 (Fever 10k): Clear
  • 3-1 (vs Ringo): 65.1k
  • 3-2 (Tetris 1.5k): TS0
  • 3-3 (Fever 70k): AC + Clear /// OR /// Clear + Clear (bulky)
  • 3-4 (vs Ess): +9k
  • 3-7 (vs O): 45k (AC + bulky 11 chain)
  • 3-8 (Puyo 10k): 2double (4+5)
  • 3-9 (Tetris 10k): TSS + TSD
  • 4-2 (Tetris 15k): TSD + TSD
  • 4-4 (Puyo 15k): 2double
  • 4-9 (Tetris 15k): TSS + TSD
  • 5-1 (vs Suketoudara): +30k
  • 5-3 (Puyo 80k): 4double (bulky) /// OR /// 5 (slight bulk)
  • 5-5 (Tetris 4k): TSS / Triple
  • 5-6 (Fever 500k): AC + Clear + Clear /// OR /// Clear + AC + Clear+1
  • 5-7 (vs Draco): +40k
  • 6-6 (Tetris 25k): TSD + TST /// OR /// TSD + TSD + Single
  • 6-9 (vs Zed): +52k
  • 7-3 (Fever 700k): ACx2 + Clear+1 /// OR /// AC + Clearx3 /// OR /// Clear + AC + Clearx2
  • 7-5 (Tetris 20k): TSD + TSD
  • 7-7 (Puyo 75k): 4double /// OR /// 5 chain

Note: Remember to carefully check what stage you are on; you don't want to be going for points in a Sprint stage.

Some resources:

गेम विवरण
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