Version / phone differences
9 years ago

After watching the recent 3:10 WR ( I noticed that in level 12, the snowball was moving a lot faster for Sly than it was for me. So I tested, did a couple of runs, and I was always losing at least 5 seconds to him on level 12. I'm not just saying this because I want my world record back - his run is very good, definitely better than mine was. However, it does seem that some phones may have a disadvantage compared to others. It might be something to do with whether you're on Android or iOS, but not necessarily, although flight's iPhone, my iPhone and the iPhones I found in different videos on the internet have a slower level 12 than in Sly's video and the 2 Android phones I tested personally. For now, flight and I have decided to leave everything as it is, but in the future, should the 2 versions be seperate, or should they stay in the same leaderboard? Opinions?

Hesse, Germany

In my Opinion we dont have enough runners at this game to split categories. We have the variable Android/IOS and thats enough for now

गेम विवरण
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पोस्ट किया गया 9 years ago
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