Emulators, Yes, No, Which?
5 years ago
Ohio, USA


My name is FightsWithFish and I am interested in beginning to speed run the Phantasy Star series starting with the original. They always say check with the community about the use of emulators therefore, that is what I am doing with this thread. It appears that, if I understand it correctly, the website indicates that most people use the Master System however, I do not feel like forking out the cash for the system and cart. Would Fusion be acceptable for speed running? If not then what emulator or solution do you suggest.

I also see these cool overlays that have timers, tracks, section of game etc. and I'd like to use these tools to start running.

By the by I plan to be an active member because Phantasy Star II was the game that brought me to a new realization of what a game is and is responsible for basically every game I ever played after. I have played all of the Phantasy Star series except the text adventures and fan made PS II and the Japanese only releases.


I have decided to start with Ages first. But I am still curious because I want to run the other Phantasy Stars as well.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil


Yeah using emulators is totally fine and Fusion works well.

About the timers and overlays, Im not the best one to give advice. I try to keep things as simple as possible when I run. I don't use overlays or anything, just show up the game and the splits. For splits, I use Wsplit as it´s very easy to use and to program.

Always nice to have more people around. have fun!

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