Peter% should be a category.
3 years ago
Seattle, WA, USA

Peter% Rules: Timer starts when you press new game, ends as soon as Agent Peter's character unlock screen appears.

This should be an official category. why?

  • Strategy with what coins you grab and what ones you don't (if you play perry ball perfect every time you'll only need 8 coins, so if you want to gamble then you can not go out of your way for any coins and be slightly faster)
  • Uses the minigames in a run (which are genuinely kinda fun.) I think theoretically you would be able to get the tickets faster via claw machine but only if everything you picked up was tickets, I'm not sure I'll have to test. Perry ball is the most reliable option.
  • A middle-length run that's not just the length of one level but also not the length of a full any%, which makes it perfect for doing multiple runs of in a sitting while still feeling like you're doing a full run of sorts.
  • Actually uses the jetpack level so you have a reason to try there (because the more you kill the more coins you get, I think.)
  • Uses a lot of the skips that are good for practice (everything from start to balloon arena skip.)
  • heckin PANDA (what more should i need to say)

Example Run:

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
Seattle, WA, USA

I made a website for me and my friends to compare our runs on. It's rather bland but gets the job done.

गेम विवरण
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