Rule Additions/Updates
3 years ago
United States

This is a thread that is going to be dedicated to any and all rule changes that will happen within Soulstorm. We will try our best to keep this updated so people can understand what things changed and why.

United States

Basic rules will be added over the next couple of days.

Added base categories (Any%, Any% NMG, 100%, 100% NMG)

Rules will be updated as glitches/strats are found as more runners submit runs.

All current runs will be submitted to Any% NMG, if glitches are found those runs will be moved over to Any% if the runs have said glitches.

100% | 100% NMG runs will not be allowed until it is confirmed how the game defines completion.

Basic Rules Added

  • Some moderate frame drops are acceptable when submitting a run. However, any run with significant video footage missing OR substantial amounts of missing audio will be subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators.

  • No files are allowed to be edited within the game. This includes custom sounds, animations, and all cutscenes must be present within the game files in order to have accurate loading times.

  • Any cheat codes or external software will automatically cause the run to be rejected. This would include programs able to alter the game memory values or access them with cheating ways. There is no confirmed software that can be used along with the game. Any software used that interacts with the game and has not been approved may cause your runs to be invalidated.

  • Any run new or old that no longer has video evidence will be instantly rejected. If the video is later re-added then the run will be reverified by a moderator to ensure the integrity of the run still stands.

  • Any turbo feature or macro/script in order to automate key presses will be forbidden.

Site Changes

Replaced Categories Any%, Any% NMG, 100%, 100% NMG with Worst Ending, Bad Ending, Good Ending, Best Ending. Runs are now divided into subcategories System, Difficulty, and Game state.


Hard - The run must start and the difficulty must be set on Hard for the entire run. Easy - The run must start and the difficulty must be set on Easy for the entire run.

(Game State)


  • Any form of glitching is not allowed. This would include breaking Slig A.I. Falling through floors to gain an advantage or any future glitch that could persist within the game.
  • If a runner unintentionally does a glitch that is confirmed and gives an advantage to the runner, they will be forced to restart the last checkpoint. If they don't do this and progress beyond that point, the run will not be accepted as a Glitchless (NMG) run anymore.


  • All known glitches are allowed for now. However, this section will be updated if a major game-breaking glitch is found and classified as too broken for this category.

General Rule Changes

  • (New Rule) All runs must be done on either Easy or Hard difficulty. If a run is submitted on Normal it will be invalidated.
  • (New Rule) Livesplit will be optional. Runners will be able to get competitive times without livesplit, since the IGT is already displayed on Soulstorm.
  • (New Rule) Cinematics and camera effects that can be skipped should be skipped, or the time spent on them will be added to the IGT of the game.
  • (New Rule) Streamer mode must be shown on all runs.
  • (New Rule) The runner must display the end time of the level when a level is completed (The final screen when the level is done, on the result screen). It will also be used to verify the status of the level for categories that require this.
  • (New Rule) Cinematics and camera effects that can be skipped should be skipped, or the time spent on them will be added to the final time of the run.
  • (New Rule) Taking advantage of places where the IGT is not moving (pause menu, crafting menu, level selection menu, etc...) will get the extra time spent added to the IGT. You can take your time to do stuff, but the runner is not allowed to abuse this time to take breaks. Use IGT moments where you have unskippable moments inside the game to take a break, drink water, etc.
  • (New Rule) Glitched runs with glitches that are patched on future versions of the game will be invalidated and archived as legacy runs.
  • (New Rule) If you restart a level, or do a level again, the IGT must be added into the run's final time.

Full Game Changes


  • (New Rule) Any form of glitching is not allowed. This would include breaking Slig A.I. Falling through floors to gain an advantage or any future glitch that could persist within the game.

(Worst Ending)

Goal Clarification: - Finish the game and achieve the worst ending for the game. (Save 80% of the Mudokons in 6 or fewer levels.)

(Bad Ending)

Goal Clarification: - Finish the game and achieve the bad ending for the game. (Save 80% of the Mudokons in 7 to 11 levels.)

(Good Ending)

Goal Clarification: Finish the game and achieve the good ending for the game. (Save 80% of the Mudokons in 12 or more levels. This will also unlock the final levels (16 and 17).

(Best Ending)

Goal Clarification: Finish the game and achieve the good ending for the game. (Save 80% of the Mudokons in all 17 levels.)

Individual Levels

Added in categories Any% NMG, Any% All Muds NMG, All Muds, All Medals NMG, All Medals

Goal Updated: (Any%) Beat the Individual Level as fast as possible. (All Muds) Beat the Individual Level as fast as possible and save all the mudokons of the level. (All Medals) Beat the Individual Level as fast as possible and get every badge of the level on Platinum.

Rules Updated:

  • (New Rule All Categories) The RTA timer will start as soon as the level is selected on the Individual Level selection screen, and the timer will end as soon as the screen result appears. This timer does not need to be visible during the run, but the start point and the end point must be visible during the video.
  • (New Rule All Categories) The IGT used will be the one specified by the level on the result screen.
  • (New Rule for All NMG Categories) Any kind of confirmed glitch is NOT ALLOWED (going through the floors, walls, or clipping in any other way, to find shortcuts that are not intended by the game).
  • (New Rule For All Glitched Categories) Any kind of confirmed glitch is ALLOWED (going through the floors, walls, or clipping in any other way, to find shortcuts that are not intended by the game).
  • (New Rule For All Categories Except 'All Medals') The usage of keys will NOT BE ALLOWED during the Individual Level, since many keys must be obtained on different levels, which requires previous progress prior to this level. Any locker opened that has the lock on it using a key will be invalidated.
  • (New Rule For All Medals Categories) The usage of keys will BE ALLOWED during the Individual Level, since many keys must be obtained on different levels, which requires previous progress prior to this level. Any locker opened that has the lock on it using a key will be invalidated.
  • (New Rule For All Categories) Individual Levels done during full game runs can be submitted if they follow all the previously specified rules.
  • (New Rule For All Categories) The Game Rules also applies to Individual Levels, so make sure you check them as well!
  • (New Rule) All full game runs must show the new game being created.

Individual Levels

  • (New Rule) The player must show themselves loading into the individual level. This can be done by doing restart level, loading into the individual level through the main menu, or from a full game run as long as the player shows the results screen from the previous level.

(Clarification on glitches for NMG)

  • Confirmed Glitches:

    • Ghost Lockers (The game thinks muds are following you, which will allow them to search lockers even though the muds have not been interacted with.)

    • Falling through the floor.

If either of these occurs in a run, the player must restart the checkpoint OR instantly die.

General Changes

  • (New Rule) Future runs must have hud elements unobstructed. This means that the health bar, Mudokon counts, streamer mode display, and any other hud elements must be shown during a run.


  • (New Rule) AutoSlaps will not be allowed in glitchless runs.

AutoSlaps - If Abe and a Slig slap each other at the same time, Abe obtains the ability to automatically slap any slig he moves past. Video Example

Individual Levels

  • (New Rule) The D.D.G. (Death Delay Glitch) will not be allowed within individual levels.
  • (Edited Rule) Cinematics and camera effects that can be skipped should be skipped, otherwise the time spent on them will be added to the final time of the run except the ending levels of Worst/Bad Ending and Good/Best Ending. The levels specifically are The Yards and Eye of Storm but still require the IGT at the end of them both.

  • (New Rule) Eye of the storm puzzle skip is not allowed in NMG

  • (NMG) Eye of the Storm puzzle skip(abe can chant a button, skipping an entire puzzle.)

New Categories

  • All Muds (100% of the muds)
  • All Medals (Achieve every medal on all 17 levels)
  • Good Quarma ILs (80% of the Muds)

(New Rules) TEMP RULES These are rules temporary until the Oddworld patch it.

  • On Funicular there is an unavoidable invincibility glitch simply by progressing. If this occurs, then please quit and click continue to undo this glitch.
  • If the player is running Any% NMG may continue with DDG active since there are no enemies or objects that kill the player. Note: this only works for full game runs.

Due to Soulstorm "Enhanced Edition" coming out, two new sub-categories will be added called Classic and Enhanced. All future runs will be submitted into the Enhanced category. Anything older than 04/12/21 will stay within Classic.

This means that "Classic" runs will have to be discussed later down the road to determine what will happen to them since the runs will be classified as legacy now. For now, we will not allow any more submissions for older versions of the game.

To allow for possible patches and for other various changes that can occur, we will have a temporary submission ban on runs for two weeks as of the release for "Enhanced Edition". This means runs will not be allowed for submission until 18/12/21. If any run is submitted prior to this it will be instantly rejected.

The DLC will be accessible on the page in the coming weeks. The team has to come up with a good solution for implementation within the Soulstorm page.

  • Platforms updated to include XboxOne and XboxSeriesX.
  • Typo corrected for the name of 'Max Cas' category.
  • NMG category rules updated. Overall rewording to move some confirmed glitches in the prose to the list. The 'clipping through saw blades' and 'lazy slig barracks sligs' glitches were added to the list.
  • Added DLC categories and related rules for Toby's Escape and Vykker's Labs.
  • The rules for the DLC game modes have been updated to reflect that the runs are affected by the difficulty setting, despite the devs intending the game mode to be single-difficulty. It was decided that we will accept Hard and Easy runs for now, but if a patch restores the DLC to single-difficulty, all Easy runs will be archived and future runs will be added to the Hard category. Runners should run at their own risk.

  • The requirement for evidence of difficulty setting has been made more clear: the evidence can be given before or after the run. However, if the difficulty is not shown immediately before or after the run, the submission can be accepted or rejected at the verifier's discretion.

New global rules will be added for all of the games. These rules are fairly understood within the community, however, we deemed it safer to have them officially be on the rule page to remove any sort of confusion.

  • (New Rule) Runs involving music or heavy external sounds that compete with the in-game audio are subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators.

  • (New Rule) Users that submit runs then delete them and resubmit them repeatedly may be subject to a temporary submission ban depending on the circumstances. This determination is going to be on a user-by-user basis.

General Changes

Removed Bad Ending and Best Ending categories.

Bad ending and Best ending were introduced very soon after the game's release, as these were two of the four possible endings of the game, alongside Worst Ending and Good Ending. As a reminder, here are the criteria for achieving each ending: Worst Ending - Save 80% of mudokons in less than 7 levels; Bad Ending - Save 80% of mudokons in 7-11 levels; Good Ending - Save 80% of mudokons in 12-16 levels (this unlocks the final two levels); Best Ending - Save 80% of mudokons in all 17 levels. After a year, we have received full run submissions for only Worst Ending and Good Ending, and so we are considering getting rid of Bad and Best Ending. Another reason is that Bad Ending is way too similar to Worst Ending as a run, and also Best Ending is too similar to All Muds (a category also lacking in runs.

As of 09/06/22, the community decided to vote on this change and it was unanimous on the decision to remove both of the categories.

Updated various grammar errors that persisted in the rules. Also edited the wording on a few things to make them more clear.

  • (Updated Rule) Changed to:

  • For full runs, if you restart a level, or do a level again, the IGT will be added into the run's final time

  • (Removed Rule)

Rule overlaps with another existing rule which prohibits any external software from being used.

Moved confirmed glitches to the “Main Rules” section so that they can be referenced easier.

Category Specific Rules

  • (Removed Rule for ‘Glitched’ subcategories)

This rule isn’t needed, if such a thing does occur, the community will discuss it before allowing it within a run.

  • (NMG) Added * for confirmed glitches that are patched and believed to be unavailable.

  • (Removed Glitch from NMG)

This glitch is not fixable by restarting the checkpoint, it seems to only occur when the runner dies as well. So, no advantage is gained by it happening.

Added a rule for all full runs, this isn’t something that we require the runner to do, however, it is very helpful for the verifiers of the game.

  • When submitting a run, write all level times in the description.

Individual Levels

Updated grammar on all categories.

Moved rules specific to glitches from NMG to the game rules page.

  • (Updated Rule NMG Categories) Any form of glitching is not allowed. A list of confirmed glitches can be seen on the game rules page.

  • (Moved and revised) Any kind of confirmed glitch is NOT ALLOWED (going through the floors, walls, or clipping in any other way, to find shortcuts that are not intended by the game).

  • (Removed Rule)

  • (Moved) Skips such as Slig Mama Skip and Slig Barracks Maintenance Skip are not allowed in NMG

  • (Removed)

  • (Removed)

  • (Removed)

RTA is not used in this game. Only IGT, which is shown at the end of the level.

Clarified a few things that weren't addressed yesterday.

  • (New Rule Good Ending) Once the run is completed, the runner is required to go to the main level select menu and show the time for the final level (Eye of the Storm). This is due to a glitch where the final end-of-level screen is not shown when completing the game after selecting 'new game'.

  • (New Rule IL's) Categories with n/a as the world holder can not be ran. Any submission to those categories will be rejected.

Eye of the storm skip doesn't seem to be possible anymore. It has been indicated with an * to notify people about it.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
Bluecandel, UltraStars3000, और Azloh इसे पसंद करें
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
09 - 06 - 22: Removed 2 categories, rule revamps, and more!

General Changes

Removed Bad Ending and Best Ending categories.

Bad ending and Best ending were introduced very soon after the game's release, as these were two of the four possible endings of the game, alongside Worst Ending and Good Ending.

2 years ago
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