Controller Mapping
7 years ago
Skåne, Sweden

I'm completely new to the speedrunning scene, casually picked up Ori as a game and would like to know if the following is permitted within speedruns for Ori.

Double bashing seems pretty vital in reaching sub 50, but it seems pretty hard to do on a controller using only the base control scheme. Are we permitted to remap (Using steam big picture mode) controllers to feature two buttons that activate bash? Let's say that we bind RB to right click, meaning that we have y = bash and RB = bash Is this permitted?


California, USA

I strongly, strongly recommend against using Steam's rebindings. It will introduce massive input latency and drops.

If you have some other method to remap your buttons, yes, that's permitted for both versions of Ori, as long as you don't create macros (i.e. any inputs have to happen only when you press a button, not later). That said, if you're trying to recreate the KBM method of having two C key binds, hold one and tap the other - this unfortunately does not work with the controller buttons.

As an aside, vanilla Ori is pretty dead at the moment - I would suggest picking up Definitive Edition if you can and trying that run instead. It's far more active, so there's more folks to help you out, and the new mechanics make double bashing significantly less important.

Goddo इसे पसंद करता है

Hello Goddo!

First of all, double bashing is not at all a vital part of the speedrun. You can have great times without doing any double bash.

Next, rebinding is permitted as long as there is nothing timing wise included.

Finally, I suggest you run the Defenitive Edition since it has runners actually running it. If you have any other questions, joining the Ori Discord could allow you to get answers faster.

Here is the Discord link : Here is the Defenitive Edition link :

Have a nice day!

-Snow Flame

Goddo इसे पसंद करता है
California, USA

Hi Goddo!

First and foremost, welcome to the Ori community! We actually have a discord server, so please add me on there (trojandude#9178) and I can PM you a Discord server invite.

Secondly, double bashing is actually really hard to achieve on Controller as you are required to hit the one frame window in order for it to work. The good news is that the updated route actually doesn't require any double bashes to be competitive. We have several controller runners that use a regular bash setup for Sorrow Bash, and you definitely don't need it for any other section.

As far as remapping, you are definitely allowed to remap items using Joy2Key, Big Picture, etc. This is generally done using the right analog stick, but you can do whatever is comfortable to you. This includes Toggling UI, Rocket Jumping, Cdash+bash, etc

I hope this helps and please join the server, and never hesitate to ask questions there! We are always here to provide advice on the game and speedrun :)


Goddo इसे पसंद करता है
Skåne, Sweden

Cheers for all the replies you lot!

I will in that case most probably end up using antimicro to map the button then instead of steamworks, since I've used it in the past to satisfactory results. I did manage to get the double-bash down pretty consistently using y and lb on steamworks, but antimicro should have lower input lag in that case.

I would buy Ori:DE, but I completely missed/didn't know about the voucher window (Especially sad was that I was given the game as a birthday gift... a day before Ori:DE released :|) so I'll probably swap over during the next steam sale!

I suspect the skills from Ori carry over to Ori:SE, so I'll just run this until I can get it :)

Thanks again!

  • Goddo
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