Thats Euros not Pounds
4 years ago
Lanark, Scotland

The WR uses Euros (€) instead of pounds (£). Not sure if its a big deal, but pounds are worth more so it might not be 1M pounds

Lanark, Scotland

If I am not mistaken, 2 Euros = 1 Pound, so the WR for 1M Pound category only actually got 500K Pounds. You need to start the game on Euros and then change to Pounds because it doesn't let you change it around the other way, but if you do that, you start with €200K, then when you change it you get £100K. this means that £1M = €2M, which the WR did not get.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
Bretagne, France

I think that it is necessary to make a request to the support to have a new moderator to remove and also add categories.

गेम विवरण
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