Rule Additions/Updates
4 years ago
United States

This is a thread that is going to be dedicated to any and all rule changes that will happen within Munch's Oddysee GBA. We will try our best to keep this updated so people can understand what things changed and why.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
United States
  • Some moderate frame drops are acceptable when submitting a run. However, any run with significant video footage missing OR substantial amounts of missing audio will be subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators.
  • Any cheat codes or external software that isn't permitted will automatically cause the run to be rejected. This would include programs able to alter the game memory values or access them with cheating ways.
  • No files are allowed to be edited within the game. This includes custom sounds, animations, and all cutscenes must be present within the game files in order to have accurate loading times.
  • Any run new or old that no longer has video evidence will be instantly rejected. If the video is later re-added then the run will be reverified by a moderator to ensure the integrity of the run still stands.
  • Any turbo feature or macro/script in order to automate key presses will be forbidden.

New global rules will be added for all of the games. These rules are fairly understood within the community, however, we deemed it safer to have them officially be on the rule page to remove any sort of confusion.

  • (New Rule) Runs involving music or heavy external sounds that compete with the in-game audio are subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators.

  • (New Rule) Users that submit runs then delete them and resubmit them repeatedly may be subject to a temporary submission ban depending on the circumstances. This determination is going to be on a user-by-user basis.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
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