Defining Glitch-less and Glitched suggestions?
6 years ago

Currently i made a template run of Odallus:The Dark Call that looks something like this for 100% Normal Glitch-less category

Timing starts at Normal mode selection first input, timing ends on last hit on Final Form Priscus defeated when the player loses control

Must show in-game time at the end.?

Allowed: -Deathwarps (respawn at checkpoint intentionally) -Minecart Skips (Stay Inbound with Pazuzu cape) -Gatekeeper Ice Bear despawn (Hover over with Pazuzu Cape) -Gatekeeper Knights despawn (Veteran Mode Only)

Banned: -Debug Rooms -Out of Bound tricks (going through a falling block by accident or respawn oob must be corrected inbounds or exit the level if softlock) -Statue Zips/Warp Elevator Zips/Runestone Zips -All boss skips (Green Dog, Caterpillar, Albey 2, Amargein 2, Priscus) -Damage pause glitch (Gatekeepers, ShieldThrower, Red&Purple Fishes -Pulley pause glitch

Seeing as Hovering over an enemy and hovering inbounds on minecart skip is technically still inbounds, and it's possible to hover and despawn knights/ice bears by accident, imo it could be allowed in a pseudo glitch-less run in my opinion, whatever feels right for the run.

feel free to drop some suggestions/feedback the run feels good with these definitions imo

also glitched is every glitch allowed, looks good

United States

I think it might make for more interesting runs if it's separated simply by using OoB or not, like how LttP is split into "No Major Glitches" and "Major Glitches". We're not actually keeping much extra content by not doing glitches.

The bosses we'd be fighting rather than skipping are: -Green Dog: Super uninteresting fight, you just crouch and whack the head and it dies before it actually does any of its moves. You still end up fighting the second phase normally, so its not as if the boss fight is skipped

-Albey 2: I think using flame armor to kill the first phase the normal way is better than the spear skip, but even if you do skip her, you still fight the second phase and all you're skipping is whacking at a boss too fast for it to actually do its moves

-Amargein 2: This is the only boss that you can skip that I think has a somewhat interesting normal fight, but again it's mainly just flame shield abuse. ()

-Final phase of the last boss: Again, the alternative is using the flame shield and standing inside the boss spamming hits killing him before he does any real moves. The more interesting part is the first 2 phases.

Then you have the matter of the pause bugs, used to kill 2 enemies in the game saving less than a second on each of them. The big casualty here would be having to hit one of the pulleys in Aqueducts-2 8 times without the glitch which is just a pain without using the bug, and its not as if it takes a different skill set or is impressive to do.

So we'd have -Out of Bounds: Beats the game as fast as possible, using out of bounds glitches and zips to skip sections of the game and the debug room to circumvent the demon armor fight and the worm boss.

-Inbounds: Beats the game as fast as possible while remaining inbounds. Uses quick kills on bosses, but still has to do the worm boss fight, demon armor trial, and all the extra screens that zipping skips.

I'd also suggest changing the order of the leaderboards to look cleaner. A low% run would be so tedious beating the final bosses on 3 hearts with a level 1 sword that even if somebody does end up running it, it's going to be a very long time and more of a gimmick run than anything. It shouldn't be the default tab. People should either land on glitched or glitchless 100%, since those are the categories that really make sense (and already have runs) with the nature of this game.

I think the best format would be: [Glitched] [Glitchless] [Normal] [Veteran] [100%] [Any%] [Low%]

If we should even have Low% at all (until somebody actually wants to try it) is questionable to me, I think it just makes the leaderboards look more empty to have extra categories that won't be run.

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