Any% No W5 in 49m 27s by
Sub 50 haha yes.
Thoughts about the run:
W1: Okay overall but slow Goombaless (and the goomba was top left at the start).
W2: Bad RNG (Roy in castle and slow Red house pattern) but decent regardless.
W3: No major mistakes.
W6: Except 6-6, World 6 went pretty well.
W8: Good enough and got 508 8-C but for some reason I pressed 1 in 8-2 to open inventory lol
Submission and Leaderboard Update
Hi everyone!
As of May 1st, 2024, the process for submitting full-game runs has changed. When submitting a run, please leave "Load Removed Time" blank unless you achieved a time under a category's specific retime barrier. **For categories without a retime barrier, please only fill out "Real T
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