Any% in 25m 52s by
165 Attempts, nearly 14 and a half hours of split play time, countless practice hours, and a calendar month later...
This PB has been a long time coming and I am so proud to have finally made it happen. It took a lot of mental toughness to keep doing runs night after night, failed 5-4 after failed 5-4 lol. It was all worth it and I am so proud to have pushed my time down this far!
Real Time Attack
25m 52s
टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | 1-1 | 0m 51s 481ms | 0m 51s 481ms |
2 | Cannon to 5 | 3m 10s 684ms | 4m 02s 165ms |
3 | 5-1 | 1m 23s 893ms | 5m 26s 058ms |
4 | Piranha Panic | 0m 50s 345ms | 6m 16s 403ms |
5 | 5-2 | 1m 04s 962ms | 7m 21s 365ms |
6 | 5-Tower | 1m 46s 652ms | 9m 08s 017ms |
7 | 5-4 | 1m 38s 225ms | 10m 46s 242ms |
8 | 5-Ghost House | 1m 14s 629ms | 12m 00s 871ms |
9 | Cannon to 8 | 0m 37s 386ms | 12m 38s 257ms |
10 | 8-1 | 1m 31s 994ms | 14m 10s 251ms |
11 | 8-2 गोल्ड | 1m 43s 701ms | 15m 53s 952ms |
12 | 8-7 | 2m 41s 643ms | 18m 35s 595ms |
13 | 8-Airship | 3m 05s 477ms | 21m 41s 072ms |
14 | Bowser's Castle | 4m 11s 208ms | 25m 52s 280ms |
Submission and Leaderboard Update
Hi everyone!
As of May 1st, 2024, the process for submitting full-game runs has changed. When submitting a run, please leave "Load Removed Time" blank unless you achieved a time under a category's specific retime barrier. **For categories without a retime barrier, please only fill out "Real T
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