I need help. I feel stuck with my NSMB2 Pb of 28:13. Obviously I can do better, but I don't know where my movement needs to improve as I feel like I have optimized all my levels. If you look at J_duude's former wr and Glitchman24's new wr, you can see that some of their movement is different. Therefore I'm not sure how to improve. Please help.
Hi, I just submitted a run with video. I used apple I cloud to submit bc I filmed it on my phone, so not sure if it will go through, but it is a minute off pb so not great and I made a lot of stupid mistakes. If you could give me tips after watching it I would help a lot.
Thank you! Last night I was watching world 6 on the wr and realized I missed a lot of optimization in world 6. I usually do make it all the way across in 6-1, and usually would have reset, but I hadn’t made it this far in a video. I realized I could do 6-4 with p speed and 6-5 without it. I have been trying the 1-T movement that is in wr but can never hit the cycle. Also, (might be a dumb question) why do you need to hit 2000 on the flag pole? Is that for every level?