How to speedrun not a hero in any%
How to speedrun not a hero in any%
अपडेट किया गया 6 years ago से Jezus


before getting to the meat of the run, there are a few things that are major to know in order to get a decent time in the game.

1/ if you're using a controller, pressing enter on the keyboard is way faster than mashing A to select stuff. 2/ the fastest character in the game is mike and, as such, he is used throughout the majority of the run. however, kimmy is used for a few levels, since her katana is very useful in some cases. (I personnally use her in levels 6 and 7 despite not being forced to). 3/ the end level SUV/helicopter takes a few seconds post main mission finish to start up. be careful not to slide past it when exiting a level.

now, onto the levels :

1-2/ those are pretty straight forward. as such, pick mike and simple dash/kill your way through the end.

3/ from now on, killing everyone isn't the main objective. as such, try as often as possible to ignore the ennemies and pass by them. other than that, the level is pretty straightforward.

4/ as soon as the level starts, drop down next to the window WITHOUT passing through it, and land on the balcony next to the second window (you will have to land, otherwise, you will go pass the kill plane and fall to your death). then, dash off of the balcony and go directly through the window underneath. the bomb is there. stand on the side of it to avoid being shotguned by the big guy on the side. once the bomb is planted, go down the staircase and head straight left. jump off the window : the bunny wagon is right there.

5/ pick kimmy. as soon as possible, use her katana to slash the main target's head. you might need to do it twice due to the presence of a regular ennemy before him. then, fall two floors down (again, not three due to the kill plane). then go through the empty room and fall out the other window. reach the ground (about 6 floors of reapeated window smashing) then head left. use your katana to take out the big guy, as you wont be able to slide past him. the bunny wagon is right there.

6/ the beginning of the level is leftwards instead of right! drop down on the roof of the next building. go straight through the first window. pick the carrot then go up the staircase. fall down one level, go down the stairs and fall out the window. pick the second carrot and head left. smash through the window, go up the stairs and pick up the carrot. go down on the left and follow the regular path.

7/ play the level as normal. just watch out for the police at the end, since the exit isn't triggered until bunnylord reaches the van

8/ the best advice I can give you on this level is take your time and try to chill : this level is one of the roughest and will probably kill your run if you're not careful.

9/ here, you can just focus on the posters. so just put one on the first floor you're on, dash your way to the other building, put the posters there, dash your way back to the ground floor of the first building, put up the last posters then do a leap of faith straight down : the bunny wagon will cancel the death and go straight to the end.

10/ you only need to save one hostage in this level. so, go up the stairs, fire once to take down the door, the first hostage will be executed. go up the stairs, dash your way through and save the second hostage (if you mess up, you can save the last hostage instead). go up a level and jump back to the first building, and let the hostage be killed by shooting down the doors. go up again, fall back to the next building one floor under the hostage. go up the first set of stairs and it will trigger the final execution (exchange this sequence with the second hostage if you messed up the first time). the bunny copter is next to the final hostage.

11/ head as fast as you can to the end while being careful not to get punched too much. the ennemies can easily be ignored, save for two floors (luckily, mike can take them out without having to reload).

12/ aunt ruby is slow and you will have to wait for her. use this time to pick up the molotovs on the first floor and to kill any annoying ennemies. keep calm, as this level is also a run killer.

13/ pick kimmy. reach the first dealer and katana him. go down the set of stairs and reach the second dealer as usual. don't be afraid to use you katanas as they will be refiled once you pick up the riconade next to the second dealer. once you reach the ennemy van, empty a clip into them. if you start shooting early enough, you won't be hit. as soon as the firsts ennemies get out of the van and start walking, quickly use as many katanas as possible. you will never overshoot (and have 2 katanas left) and, if done correctly, will skip the rest of the van fight. be careful of the kill plane next to the third dealer.

14/ as soon as possible, get punched by upgraydd : it will reset his animations and will make him run more quickly. try not to get punched by him afterwards, as it will make him stop. most ennemies wont follow you beetween floors (except for the green guys on floor 3, and a blue guy on the third to last floor), so try not to bother too much with them. on the third floor, next to the dealer, pick up the pipe bomb : it will allow you to blow up every tough ennemy on the second to last floor.

15/ the level is pretty straight forward, though be careful since the samurais can 1 shot you.

16/ the level is, again, pretty straight forward, but, when reaching the hostage, simply pass through will dashing fast so that you move pass the two samurais (they will try to follow you, but will fall to their deaths once you reach the rest of the level.

17/ Go up as fast as you can, plant the bomb and go back the way you came : easy as that.

18/ another tough level so keep calm. before the police arrives, remember to set up the vault drill, set up the door bomb and pick up any item you might find useful (speedloads, riconade, etc...).

19/ while you wait for the first door bomb to explode, pick up the turret behind the two samurais. kill all of the black smurais next to the bomb doors (the one after the last bomb door can be ignored, since you directly go to bunnylord afterwards. go past the hostage and, once you've saved bunnylord, go down while ignoring all of the ennemies (you can kill the samurais for a safe strat). once you reach the ground floor, kill the first wave of ennemies and go down the ditch. place the turret you've picked up earlier, and, once the way is cleared enough, go to the van. bunnylord is quick enough to reach the van without having to kill anyone else.

20/ pick kimmy as her quick fire can do quick work of the fish tanks and since her katana can get you out of a few "fishy" situattions (hehe). play it safe as the samurais are plenty.

21/ pick kimmy. wave 1 : hide behind the tree. wait for the two guys to be close enough and katana the both of them (one should be enough). then, tackle kill the last two guys (as kimmy can shoot enemies while executing and recharging the katanas). wave 2 : repeat wave 1. wave 3 : repeat wave 1 while paying attention to the samurais. wave 4 : hide behind the tree. crit kill the first dude. wait in the shadows for the black samurais to go down one floor : he will ignore you. use the surprise to katana him and slide execute the last dude to get your katana back. wave 5 : repeat wave 3. wave 6 : kill the first 2 guys. then, if the two black samurais are close enough, katana them both at once. else, keep your distances while killing one, then katana the other (you can leave one of the two samurais alive to move freely during the final cutscene, but I prefer to play it safe). kill off the last two guys once the cutscene is over, ignore everything and rush to the exit.

congrats, you've spedrun not a hero. the rest is mostly practice to finish those levels without dying and keeping your cool.

गेम विवरण
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