Blue Pikmin and Olimar Split Categories
7 years ago
New York, USA

Hey lately I've been trying to do some routing with the blue pikmin and have noticed that pretty much all of the fight strats are very different from playing as Olimar. Would if be possible to split Any%, All Master Challenges, Extra Levels, First Half%, and Second Half% into two sub categories of Olimar and Blue Pikmin? I think they would be interesting to run.

Scarrien इसे पसंद करता है
Minnesota, USA

While you're at it, can you make co-op a subcategory instead of it's own categories? It seems kinda weird, and it's really unnecessary. Besides, doing that would make it easier to make Olimar and Pikmin subcategories, since you could set it to be for all categories rather than doing the same variables in each single player category.

If you make me a mod (even just for a couple of days), I could make the subcategories and move the current co-op runs easily. Not trying to push, just making an offer.

Minnesota, USA

Can a moderator please respond? I understand that you guys are the moderators of 14 and 17 games, but if you can't even respond to a question this simple after 6 days you should probably get someone else to handle this one.


As the only co-op runner I dont mind if it's put as a sub category lol. Just as long as it stays separate from single player

गेम विवरण
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