Wooden Sword only Category
3 years ago
Washington, USA

We should add the completely top tier category of "Wooden Sword Only" Rules would need to be specified because you can't get the Wooden Sword until ch2, but I imagine the rule would be that you cannot eliminate any enemies until you purchase Wooden Sword from Muramasa. Then Wooden Sword is required the rest of the run.


I think what we could do is to make load chapter 2 where you have wooden sword since this is where the actual run starts ?

Timer starts the moment you buy wooden sword. That's also because you are not really doing wooden sword run only if you include chapter 1.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
Washington, USA

Everyone would have different money entering chapter 2, and it would be hard to manage if they farmed money on mages and samurai, before making a save to start the run. So I don't think that would work.


Ok, I added the category anyway for now its only normal mode

Washington, USA

Thanks. I just realized we need to specify War Hammer is required, but only on the walls. I also used it to get the Jewel of the Demon Seal in Hayabusa Village (if that's decided to be allowed).


I don't see the reason of not disallowing ninpo and such. Anything else should be fine. It's just the weapon.

Washington, USA

Right, I mean that you need the War Hammer to break down some walls, and not using it in combat.

गेम विवरण
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पोस्ट किया गया 3 years ago
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