50 Points
50 Points
अपडेट किया गया 1 year ago से lilaidsHD

When To Restart:

-You turn it over

-Scoreless Possession

-Jump ball

-Disconnected Controller (All Times)

-You commit a foul

If you're having a great run it might be smart to ignore these and keep your head high. If its after your 20 point mark keep going until it obvious the run is dead. These really only apply to earlier in the run

Type of Defense:

Play Light Defense. A Block or Steal give you great fast break opportunity, however be careful because too many steals or blocks leads to the opponent calling a timeout, you are better off just letting them shoot most of the time. If it looks like you'll commit a foul doing so let them score. If you're close to 50 points (47-49 points) Let them score so you can get the ball and end the timer. Also, look to leave the paint open so the player passes it to the center and he scores quickly. The point is, you want quick defensive possessions without fouling or forcing too many turnovers leading to the opponent calling timeout

Other Advice:

-Make sure you have a back on your controller and high battery percentage. A dead battery or a battery falling out is an instant run kill.

-Skip Timeouts ASAP

-Take mostly 3s, an exception would be if you have a fast break opportunity for an open layup/dunk off of a full court pass for example. Quickly run up the floor and get a decent look for 3 as fast as possible, usually a simple stepback is enough to create enough space for yourself.

-Try to keep your offensive possessions as short as possible and the instant you get a decent look, shoot it if you're going for a really good time

  • Play on 12 minute quarters, this is easily enough time to score 50 in one quarter, on shorter quarters you lose time in between them

  • Use either the 16-17 Warriors or All-Time Warriors in order to have a Steph-Klay-KD lineup, play against a team with bad perimeter defence and decent offence so they don't hesitate to shoot the ball when you are on defence.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा धागे
पोस्ट किया गया 1 year ago
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