Leaderboard Changes
Hi Everyone I have started updating the leaderboards to split Console and Emulator Runs.
I have also moved the ILs out of the MISC ( Full Game) into their own Level Catagory ( split into EMU and Console) I had to manually move all of the runs. I will keep them in the Full game Category for now and remove them soon.
it is a work in progress if you see any issues please let me know.
KeKeKumba और Alicetwopointoh इसे पसंद करें
Nice, it's about time. The only issue I see is 1500m speed skating is set as real time instead of in-game time. Other than that it all looks good to me.
I'll give this a play again some time this week.
के द्वारा संपादित लेखक
thanks, I will fix up the skating, if anyone sees any more issues just tell me and I will fix it.
हाल की दौड़ें
स्तर: Speed Skating (1500m)
स्तर: Bobsled
स्तर: Bobsled