15% hard route..
1 year ago
Arkansas, USA

..the fastest method is probably with 3 supers 2 to 4 missiles.. ..and speed booster/high jump. ..you can choose to go without high jump. ..you could use a setup for an any% route as well.. ..do not stay up for 4 days without sleep like i did for this.. ..with the route i took.. ..an hour and 20. ..you could choose to go without varia or e tanks.. ..the route i took was closer to 9% normal. ..i did save, but you know. ..i do not agree with the hard/soft reset rule.. ..i mean if you were to try to do this in one attempt.. ..any run.. ..yeah.. ..i have a good understanding of the rules already. ..i just have mental health issues. ..a lot of things have been bothering me too. ..my dads cancer.. ..my sisters pregnancy.. ..so yeah probably why i've been acting the way i have been. ..nothing towards anyone here. ..i probably am more serious about things with speedrunning than when i first started doing runs. ..i was going to take a break from that stuff for a month anyways. ..as someone who's disabled and possibly autistic.. ..and the trauma/mental health issues over the years.. ..something i decided to do since i have the time. ..so use the video for help with category.. ..or others.. ..helps a lot for 9% normal and any% routes. ..the way i did it was very similar difficulty to a 9% run. ..but a different learning curve for various parts of this route. ..believe me if i aloud myself more time.. ..and not try to do what i did for 4 days without sleep.. ..i'd do better than seen here. ..9% with 2 supers feels very similar to a 9% normal mecha fight. ..everything i do here is very similar in difficulty. ..while i did save.. ..only after tourian.. ..i mostly died trying to get full suit. ..much easier than mecha with what i had. ..at least i showed video footage of what i was capable of with this game. ..after repeating the same thing after i failed as many times i did.. ..i imagine i would of had the hard reset in. ..twitchs highlight system is very weird. ..i normally put runs up to youtube as normal videos.. ..but yeah. ..so yes it would be fine to have up if it weren't for the hard reset getting cut. ..kinda dumb.. ..because if this were first try.. ..i'd seem like a huge asshole, and a lier. ..including to my new friends on twitter. ..i'd probably end up the way i was after highschool. ..losing my old friends. ..when this got rejected.. ..i was starting to get closer to that point.. ..because i thought the hard reset was shown in the highlight.

गेम विवरण
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