Runs requiring video proof
9 years ago
United Kingdom

EDIT 3/7/17 Now that we are allowing emulator RTA (and the boards are already using RTA by default) it doesn't make much sense to have the cutoffs be in IGT. All the new cutoffs can be found in the individual category rules.

If you submit an IGT-only run which is "good enough" to hit a cutoff it will probably be rejected. But there's really no reason to submit IGT-only any more.


I have already discussed this with several ZM runners, but it's not written anywhere on this site, so here's a quick post about it:

Currently, any new runs with an IGT under 30 minutes (any%) or 56 minutes (100%) require a full video (NOT a screenshot of the ending) or they will be rejected. This rule is not applied retroactively to old runs.

These cutoffs are arbitrary and could change in the future, but they're what we're working with for now. I know recording sucks for a lot of people - particularly as we encourage you to play on console rather than emulator - but hopefully you can understand the need. Merry christmas!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Nintendo Switch Online allowed for Speedruns

Hey everyone,

the newly released Nintendo Switch Online version has been added as a platform for Speedruns. The game rules have been updated. If you want to perform a speedrun on NSO, you should carefully read the rules regarding NSO and follow the instructions.

Have fun on your next mission!

7 months ago
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