Help deleting my run?
1 year ago
Texas, USA

I have an old run of crew expendable Veteran on PS4 where I got a notification that cut the footage and it looks like a splice. It's not cheated, I just didn't double check the footage and it looks REALLY bad. If a mod can explain rules for situations like this to me (why was it approved?) or just delete the run, that'd be great.

United States

Hi! looking back at the run it seems that was missed. This was most likely approved because we tend to look at the sections that really matter in missions, and where it would most likely be spliced (clearing sections for crew in this case.) After retiming and comparing to other runs, it seems you lost about 3 seconds of recording to that. The rules are kind of a grey area for situations like this, but as your time doesn't contend top 3, the stutter happens in a non gameplay important area, (not to mention it is almost 3 years old), I will add 4 second to your time to compensate for the stutter for now. This might change in the future if we come to a different resolution. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and hope this clears things up

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Arcade Runs

As of 9/22/23, arcade runs are no longer allowed. All existing arcade runs on the boards have been retimed, and any arcade runs submitted from here on will be rejected.

1 year ago
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