Original Trilogy Any% in 9h 21m 40s by
This run was done to lead into the TTYD remake midnight release. I want to do this again eventually but probably not until I have more experience/practice with SPM lol.
(The Livesplit comparison in the VOD is against a run I had previously done with a faster time than this one, but I was running SPM on USB Loader at the time so that one is not valid for submission here AFAIK)
टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया Splits.io
# | नाम | स्प्लिट | समाप्त हुआ |
1 | PM64 गोल्ड | 1h 50m 34s 666ms | 1h 50m 34s 666ms |
2 | [Break] | 12m 14s 534ms | 2h 02m 49s 200ms |
3 | TTYD गोल्ड | 2h 36m 08s 416ms | 4h 38m 57s 616ms |
4 | [Break] | 9m 24s 367ms | 4h 48m 21s 983ms |
5 | SPM गोल्ड | 4h 33m 18s 033ms | 9h 21m 40s 016ms |
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