No Veteran/hypermode
7 years ago

I noticed that there are no Veteran nor Hyper mode runs in the misc section.

"Normal" mode in trilogy is the equivalent of "easy" mode for the solo game. Are all the run here done one easy? (no blaming, just asking).

Why not made Hyper and Veteran sub section, in miscellaneous or using the blue buttons, even if they are empty?

New York, USA

Yes Normal would be the same as a GC equivalent "Easy" if it existed. People don't run Veteran or Hypermode because it just makes the run longer, and doesnt add much of anything.

Funny thing though, on the separated game pages, all of them have an a Hard/hyper category, but none of them have a 200% run (well first Prime have one in normal).

New York, USA

That's because most don't care about trilogy because they are worse speedruns.

गेम विवरण
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