Leaderboards - A suggestions
8 years ago
European Union

Why not make this game IL only? There are many games that have this and MP:FF would def. have a use for ILs.

Given, the game is crappy af imo, but it seems like something worth picking up for speedrunning, the sidehop is quite fast.

anyway, when would you guys start/end a split for an IL? -I'd just start when pressing ready (when the last guy presses ready for multiplayer) -alternative: possibly when gaining control at the start of the level

-end when attaching to the grabber @ end of level (when the last guy attached for multiplayer). -alternative: end when Mission Complete appears on screen

Full alternative: just use IGT as shown at the end of the level.

example run for M01: Outpost using Start @ ready & end at grabber (I didn't really try) Skip to 2:20

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 years ago
United States

I'm going to mod you to this game

HowDenKing इसे पसंद करता है
North Carolina, USA

So these questions were never answered:

Are full game runs done in RTA or IGT? I suggest RTA cause that's how full game runs typically go.

Is a new file required for Any% full game runs or are completed files viable? I know that new files aren't required for ILs.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
European Union

(Sorry for the late reply, never got a notification for some reason)

[quote]Are full game runs done in RTA or IGT? I suggest RTA [...][/quote] I agree with you there, it'd make the most sense to use RTA, although I'd love to add IGT as an optional timining method to show how long one was without loading, menuing, etc.

[quote]Is a new file required for Any% full game runs or are completed files viable?[/quote] afaik there's no difference, but just to be sure I'd say start from a new file, if there's need for it "NG+" or something could be added.


New York, USA

So, what was the verdict on the main timing method? From reading this thread it seems like it was going to be RTA but the game is set to IGT anyways?

RTA would make more sense to be the standard for full game runs because:

  • Menuing is relevant and important
  • IGT doesn't display seconds
  • IGT is longer than RTA, so you're tracking the run as longer and less accurate for no reason

[quote=HowDenKing] I agree with you there, it'd make the most sense to use RTA, although I'd love to add IGT as an optional timining method to show how long one was without loading, menuing, etc.[/quote]

I saw this reason in this thread for tracking IGT, however since it's longer than RTA, it includes everything RTA would include and more, so it's pointless. How it managed to become the standard timing method despite this it beyond me. It's fine to use IGT for ILs, but for full game runs, RTA should be the standard.

I also have suggestions for additional categories for this game, but I'll wait to mention those until I eventually do a run of them.

One final note, I disagree with the game's default page showing ILs and not Full Game Runs. I get that this game works well for ILs, but just because it can be doesn't mean it should be the main view. ILs as the main view work best for games that don't make sense for full game runs or there is no end goal. This isn't the case for this game in both regards. I think it looks very unappealing to show ILs as the default view, especially since most of the ILs are empty anyways...


के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
New York, USA

So looking into the IGT a little more, if I look at my current PB and remove the time before game loads in and the quit out to the home menu, the IGT would be about 4:15-4:16, maybe even lower. But, this is still 2 minutes off of my PBs IGT which was 4:18. I have no idea when the IGT even runs. So yeah, this further leads me to believe that IGT is really bad and shouldn't be used at all for full game runs, not even as an alternate timing method. It should only used in ILs.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago

My time is 1hour 58,to restart the game will make you loose a bit of time because it save every time before a level.2hour19 is very far from perfect no matter what, it's surely an underplayed game.

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