Selecting contact mode skip
4 years ago
Tasmania, Australia

I found a new skip which might save substantial amounts of time. It works the same way dialogue skip does, but instead of pressing down for dialogue, you press space or whatever your select key is to select the mode when you enter a level. I think it works for the same reason: the mode options load in before the level or you're able to see them. When you enter the door for the level, just spam the select key (space) the same way you do for the two dialogue skips. It will select Contact mode before you can see the level. I don't think it works for selecting other modes, though. You're also able to move around a bit before the level loads. For example, you can jump, and when the level loads, you will be in the air and not activate the platform you would normally spawn on. You can see this in action for most levels in my PB here: The skip is not hard at all and I think probably saves around half a second per level, which adds up quickly over the run.

I'm going to name it Mode Selection Skip.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
French Southern Territories

This is pretty interesting. I don't think it saves too much time per level, but if it is applied to each level, that could save a ton of time. I'm gonna have to unmap space from jump though.

TCM इसे पसंद करता है
Tasmania, Australia

I think it's not too bad having them as the same button. You can see in the video I only had trouble with it a few times. It wouldn't be hard to get used to knowing when to stop pressing space. Then again using something like C instead for this only would be fine.

Ontario, Canada

Me over here not worrying about keybinds because I have a controller 👀

TCM इसे पसंद करता है
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