Rules Change
Rules Change
पोस्ट किया गया 3 years ago से

After some deliberation, we decided to remove the exception imposed on certain minigames in Any% Minigame and 100%. This is because we feel like we treated these minigames unfairly to other due to not having an objective.

However, there are two minigames that have a special rule imposed on both of these categories, Rainbow Colouring in Chapter 1 and Picture Pizzaz in Chapter 4. Refer to the ruleset to see the new rules.

We have also updated the rules for the run of this game itself. It is now required to have acceptable audio quality in your run. This is to detect if there is any sign of splicing. Obviously, the WR, held by me, doesn't have audio because I am dum-dum. But, this run still stand as a WR for now. I will have to replace it with a new one to abide to the new rule.

Emulators, phone or not, are all allowed. This is a temporary fix really as we aren't sure if there is any major difference between those two. As of now, emulator are allowed, no restriction on which emulator you're using so long as you stated it in the comment.

That's about it.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
So, another rule change, because I am a dumb mod. And it has been too long...

3 years, huh...?

Even though I did promise to "change" the ruleset once we experiment more, that never came to fruition. Also, in hindsight, asking the runners to specify specific versions is really a tall order to ask, plus, I didn't do it myself. So, I'm gonna make some changes here:

  1. You are
1 year ago
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