50cc and 100cc needed.
7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

I really want a 50cc and a 100cc. I have a lightning cup 50cc run completed with a split timer screenshot. http://imgur.com/a/03cuB I would be great to have it and if you add i'm sure some people will run it (and totally destory my 50cc run), this should be added for every cup and track. With the Items and No Items catogerys. I hope this is accepted

Tropio और CriscoWild इसे पसंद करें
Rhode Island, USA

how about no

Kramkraft, OBSIDIAUS और 6 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

We have no plans on adding 50cc and 100cc but nothing is stopping you from doing runs of that of course

iden इसे पसंद करता है
Any/All, He/Him
7 years ago

but 50cc and 100cc are just a slower 150cc, 200cc is different from 150cc because it is very fast, and 150cc is standard. 50cc and 100cc have no need to exist, similarly to how in other mario kart games 50cc and 100cc are only played in 100% (which is something I'd like to see btw).

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
PrinceHunter और Tepill इसे पसंद करें

While I dont think 100% is something that sounds pretty interesting, you do have to think about it that it will probably a 6+ hour speedrun (rough estimate) if you just count getting 3 stars on all cc GP's. It'll be pretty time consuming.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Any/All, He/Him
7 years ago

150cc cups count towards 50cc and 100cc cups in mk8dx lol


Didnt know that, my b

PrinceHunter और iden इसे पसंद करें
British Columbia, Canada

50cc and 100cc seems interesting. i think 50cc would be a bore tho.

New York, USA

I'd also like to see 50cc and 100cc added.

Edit: If enough people want a place to track their times on 50cc and 100cc, you should give it to them. Don't make the mistake of being the kind of moderator that thinks he or she is above the community. That's how big drama happens and it makes things a lot less fun for people.

As the Guide to Good Moderation thread says (found here - https://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/qkvjz), “You do not decide for the community, the community decides for you." Adopt this attitude and you'll go far :)

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
Victoria, Australia

There hasn't been a community demand for 50cc and 100cc leaderboards lately so adding the leaderboard for it currently is pointless as the last post for it is 5 months ago and you're the only person who happens to agree with the person who made the thread.

But there's nothing stopping you from running 50cc or 100cc though, just pointing that out.

Kramkraft इसे पसंद करता है
Gelderland, Netherlands

[quote]“You do not decide for the community, the community decides for you." Adopt this attitude and you'll go far ?[/quote] Except the community doesn't want it either, you are the only one.

Kramkraft और coolestto इसे पसंद करें

"That's how big drama happens and it makes things a lot less fun for people." That's true, because 9 out of 10 times drama like that is caused by people who are not part of the community itself because they don't have an idea of what actually goes on inside the community.

jelluh24 इसे पसंद करता है
Kentucky, USA

lol, made this thread 5 months ago and someone still gonna talk about it

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
New York, USA

Reminder: I never said the community wanted it or didn't want it. I said "if" enough people want it, they should have it. Don't get too defensive, guys. Giving people a place to post 50cc and 100cc runs doesn't threaten your way of life nearly as much as you might think lol.

Victoria, Australia

You could say we're being defensive about it, but it's pretty plain to see the community doesn't want it. I have no qualms with 50cc and 100cc leaderboards, but I don't care much for them either.

Here's a reminder, just because two people want it =/= the community wants it

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 6 years ago
New York, USA

I wonder if there's actually a real number that you guys would accept. One person definitely isn't enough under most circumstances and two isn't much better, but where would you guys draw the line? If there were 10 people who wanted 50cc, would you cave? 15? 20? I'd like to see you all agree on a number and give the guy some hope instead of just shooting him down. Maybe he's got friends that'll run it with him. Maybe I do too :)

United States

if you dont want to be sanic and know da wae and be slow as hell go ahead and do your own runs of it, 50cc and 100cc are just pointless to add

United States

Make a run, we aren't stopping you. Do it on your own field, upload it to YouTube and other speedrunning sites. I haven't seen any demand for 50cc or 100cc, as it's slow and not fun imo.

OBSIDIAUS इसे पसंद करता है
Kansas, USA

Sick necro

blueYOSHI और DeclanWS इसे पसंद करें

You know that you can make another "game" and just mark it as mario kart 8 deluxe extended categories

OBSIDIAUS इसे पसंद करता है
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