MK7 Driftless Speedrun
3 years ago

In This Speedrun You Can't Drift


IN ANY CC ok mod

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago

Rule of thumb for new categories : if you have an idea for a category you want added, first DO A RUN, then we will add it in the Category Extensions Google Doc, and eventually if it gets popular enough there we will add it on here.

Small tip for forum threads : you can edit your posts by clicking the three dots in the top right corner, so that you don't make a whole new post for seven fucking letters

SoapAgent इसे पसंद करता है
United States

The Category Extensions should be on SRC imo


I've got another ideas : A coinless speedrun (no coins for ALL the run) and an Itemless speedrun (zero uses off item even if we put one behind either) PS: I never do a run of this speedruns, it's just proposals.


I got a 50m:45s.35ms


To Omar : Category Extensions aren't on because of the risk of dividing a playerbase that's already not that big/active. This is a decision taken by Lafungo after I reached out to him about this a while back, that I agree with, and that is highly unlikely to be reversed anytime soon.

To Undov : pretty much repeating what I told Harv in my first post, but suggesting a new category is useless if you don't do a run yourself. If someone is ever interested, there's a big chance they've already had the idea by themselves.

To Harv : GG, but in which category, and do you have a video for it ?

Omar इसे पसंद करता है
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