New IGT ruleset for PCSX2 + autopauser help needed
4 months ago

i've rewritten and polished the rules for emulator runs. also made a video tutorial for good emulator settings and how to display your framerate on OBS:

i've also made a completely new IGT ruleset, which uses an autopauser that fr4nk0 and I made:

the program attaches to PCSX2 and presses the P button on your keyboard whenever the game is loading an ingame movie or a loading screen.

i made a tutorial for setting up this program and running IGT:

it's otherwise fine, but the fact that it isn't a traditional ASL might be troublesome for many, but for now it will do. if there is anyone who is familiar with the scripting language for livesplit and wants to make an autopauser for us, please reach out! the addresses and values you need are in the repo above. contact me on discord if u wanna make it happen: @zzamiz

there's a second problem, which is that there is no (painless) way to calculate the IGT time for any old run (done on real hardware or emulator) so for now there is nothing for IGT players to compare to when submitting a run. an idea (more of a theory) is to make a program that uses AI to recognize a pattern when the current autopauser would normally pause, then subtract the times to give an IGT time. that way we could know which run currently holds the WR, lol

lastly, there is a new category, Any% w/ cheats, which lets you utilize the "Full Ooze" cheat and reroute all levels to go straight to scaring nerves instead of collecting oozes. i've made an example run here:

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