difficulty segmentation
हटा दिया गया
7 years ago

It used to be seperated by difficulty but was changed.

Chicago, IL, USA

Guaranteed one of us will break the board with VE SHIELD




के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
SolidSpiderZnake और Brakk0n इसे पसंद करें

The leaderboards were split before I merged them, it was a mess with half the difficulties with no entries. The game doesn't have a huge community and most existing runners when the leaderboard was created were only focusing on Foxhound rank. If a lot of people wanted it back to being separated by difficulty, then I'm sure it would happen, but then again I don't think people aiming for the lowest Foxhound time would care if their time was beaten on a lower difficulty.

One of the reasons I left it as it is, is because at the end of the day it's a speedrun and if the lowest time is on very easy then why should that be a problem. For the last 3 years anyone could have submitted a WR VE run and I would have been fine with that. I think it's just that people don't want to run the game on very easy, most want to aim for Foxhound if they can.

Would like to know what the others think, but I do understand what you're saying.

Plywood इसे पसंद करता है
Chicago, IL, USA

I think that's a fair point Cerberus. The question I have is whether or not the fact that most runs are EE Foxhound scare people from running the game. I know one individual (I won't name, in respect to their privacy), who was interested in the game but was weirded out from how the board is setup.

MGS3 is the black sheep in terms of leaderboard setup in comparison to 1, 2, Twin Snakes, and 4. 1 used to be setup in a similar fashion, but then people started running Easy.


Having consistant leaderboard formats across the different games in the series is a good point. But, I dont understand not separating the difficulties as a problem from a non-EEx runners point of view. Shouldnt it be encouraging being able to compete with EEx times with a lower difficulty? We thought to add the filters for people to check out runs on different difficulties, but having another separate category for some other difficulty is an good idea aswell if theres interest in it. Especially to standarize the different MGS boards.

हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

Seeing as this is the only Metal Gear game without difficulty separation, I find it strange that this is not the same. I think if people want to compare they would rather compare with their own difficulty.

California, USA

Comparing your time versus other difficulties is as easy as selecting your difficulty from the drag-down menu. That's a far better solution than having six different tabs with most of them being completely neglected. And trust me, no EX Foxhound player will care if there's a very easy run on top of the leaderboard, lol.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 7 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Another option: rather than having six tabs, just have two or three tabs. The rest can be Misc.

Examples: https://www.speedrun.com/mgstts and https://www.speedrun.com/mggb

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Even Casual Player know that Hardest Mode alway Slower than easy mode of everygame in the world. Cant Put in the same broad with common sense

New South Wales, Australia

That's not at all true witchakorn. If it's was faster I emplore you to try and go Faster than Mr Snawk or Hikari on Very easy. Because I promise you that beating their times is no easy pushover

witchakorn इसे पसंद करता है
Chiang Mai, Thailand

It maybe some factor Diffrent why EE was Faster than VE like Damage to boss or SomeThing that Only EE Can Save Time or skip that VE cant so...This is Just My Opinion not arguing or anything

It Still Weird that the Hardest Faster than Easy when Almost Every Other games Easy alway Faster than Hard mode When every SpeedRunners try To Beat EE with VE and still cant beat it consider That They r very Good Runner That Mean there Must be something in EE Mode That VE Cant (Make It faster)

Sorry Dont Mean to arguing....

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
Chiang Mai, Thailand

i wonder if mr.snawke get very easy wr and faster than his EE WR that gonna prove my point a lot and how diffrent it is even can guide u to improve your time VE run. Let Mr.Snawke Run VE gonna be Excite to watch and prove

Ohio, USA

I'd be very surprised if Mr. Snawk ran VE ever.

witchakorn इसे पसंद करता है
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Dlimes13 Right? O^O

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
MGS3 Board Update and Master Collections News!

Hello everyone and welcome to an exciting update for the MGS3 leaderboards!

Today we can finally announce that we revamped the boards and cleaned up the categories.

This also includes 2 new games for MGS3 on speedrun.com!

You can

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