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PC (2000)
1h 01m 48s
6 days ago
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5 days ago
टाइम स्प्लिट्स
द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया Splits.io
#नामस्प्लिटसमाप्त हुआ
1Dock2m 28s 955ms2m 28s 955ms
2Heliport0m 27s 124ms2m 56s 079ms
3Tank Hangar1m 04s 222ms4m 00s 301ms
4Cell0m 17s 530ms4m 17s 831ms
5DARPA Chief0m 26s 906ms4m 44s 737ms
6Cell0m 22s 687ms5m 07s 424ms
7Guard Encounter0m 53s 580ms6m 01s 004ms
8Cell0m 13s 390ms6m 14s 394ms
9Armory0m 28s 592ms6m 42s 986ms
10Armory South0m 12s 352ms6m 55s 338ms
11Revolver Ocelot0m 10s 143ms7m 05s 481ms
12Armory South0m 19s 313ms7m 24s 794ms
13Armory0m 17s 006ms7m 41s 800ms
14Tank Hangar0m 45s 680ms8m 27s 480ms
15Canyon0m 06s 016ms8m 33s 496ms
16M1 Tank0m 31s 868ms9m 05s 364ms
17Nuke Building 1F & B21m 20s 176ms10m 25s 540ms
18Lab Hallway0m 25s 195ms10m 50s 735ms
19Ninja1m 56s 581ms12m 47s 316ms
20Lab0m 19s 440ms13m 06s 756ms
21Lab Hallway0m 10s 768ms13m 17s 524ms
22Nuke Building B20m 22s 466ms13m 39s 990ms
23Meryl0m 19s 389ms13m 59s 379ms
24Nuke Building B1
0m 20s 863ms14m 20s 242ms
25Commander's Room0m 38s 080ms14m 58s 322ms
26Psycho Mantis1m 29s 662ms16m 27s 984ms
27Commander's Room0m 12s 832ms16m 40s 816ms
28Cave0m 46s 089ms17m 26s 905ms
29Underground Passage0m 54s 890ms18m 21s 795ms
30Cave0m 29s 263ms18m 51s 058ms
31Commander's Room0m 10s 475ms19m 01s 533ms
32Nuke Building B10m 12s 690ms19m 14s 223ms
33Nuke Building 1F0m 31s 572ms19m 45s 795ms
34Canyon0m 20s 185ms20m 05s 980ms
35Tank Hangar0m 13s 328ms20m 19s 308ms
36Armory0m 34s 603ms20m 53s 911ms
37Tank Hangar
0m 17s 956ms21m 11s 867ms
38Canyon0m 19s 663ms21m 31s 530ms
39Nuke Building 1F1m 11s 393ms22m 42s 923ms
40Nuke Building B10m 13s 372ms22m 56s 295ms
41Commander's Room0m 11s 463ms23m 07s 758ms
42Cave0m 20s 389ms23m 28s 147ms
43Sniper Wolf 10m 29s 973ms23m 58s 120ms
44Underground Passage0m 18s 511ms24m 16s 631ms
45Medi Room2m 46s 403ms27m 03s 034ms
46Cell0m 09s 702ms27m 12s 736ms
47Tank Hangar
0m 17s 956ms27m 30s 692ms
48Canyon0m 19s 616ms27m 50s 308ms
49Nuke Building 1F0m 29s 620ms28m 19s 928ms
50Nuke Building B10m 13s 242ms28m 33s 170ms
51Commander's Room0m 11s 375ms28m 44s 545ms
52Cave0m 25s 782ms29m 10s 327ms
53Underground Passage0m 11s 329ms29m 21s 656ms
54Comms Tower A1m 22s 054ms30m 43s 710ms
55Walkway0m 17s 531ms31m 01s 241ms
56Comms Tower B
1m 53s 046ms32m 54s 287ms
57Comms Tower B Roof0m 08s 160ms33m 02s 447ms
58Hind D2m 37s 757ms35m 40s 204ms
59Comms Tower B Roof0m 14s 883ms35m 55s 087ms
60Comms Tower B1m 22s 156ms37m 17s 243ms
0m 09s 396ms37m 26s 639ms
62Sniper Wolf 21m 21s 151ms38m 47s 790ms
63Snowfield0m 09s 850ms38m 57s 640ms
64Blast Furnace0m 13s 510ms39m 11s 150ms
65Cargo Elevator0m 08s 595ms39m 19s 745ms
66Guard Encounter0m 22s 535ms39m 42s 280ms
67Cargo Elevator1m 27s 540ms41m 09s 820ms
68Vulcan Raven0m 38s 224ms41m 48s 044ms
0m 10s 990ms41m 59s 034ms
70Warehouse North0m 11s 261ms42m 10s 295ms
71Underground Base 10m 20s 021ms42m 30s 316ms
72Underground Base 20m 10s 399ms42m 40s 715ms
73Underground Base 30m 28s 793ms43m 09s 508ms
74Command Room0m 07s 251ms43m 16s 759ms
75Underground Base 30m 29s 009ms43m 45s 768ms
76Underground Base 20m 10s 881ms43m 56s 649ms
77Underground Base 1
0m 26s 262ms44m 22s 911ms
78Underground Base 20m 07s 721ms44m 30s 632ms
79Underground Base 30m 26s 330ms44m 56s 962ms
80Normal PAL Key0m 03s 187ms45m 00s 149ms
81Command Room0m 05s 005ms45m 05s 154ms
82Underground Base 30m 28s 384ms45m 33s 538ms
83Underground Base 20m 10s 820ms45m 44s 358ms
84Underground Base 10m 17s 943ms46m 02s 301ms
85Warehouse North0m 11s 050ms46m 13s 351ms
86Warehouse1m 02s 137ms47m 15s 488ms
87Warehouse North0m 10s 500ms47m 25s 988ms
88Underground Base 10m 15s 484ms47m 41s 472ms
89Underground Base 20m 07s 753ms47m 49s 225ms
90Underground Base 30m 26s 540ms48m 15s 765ms
91Cold PAL Key0m 04s 175ms48m 19s 940ms
92Command Room
0m 04s 683ms48m 24s 623ms
93Underground Base 30m 28s 209ms48m 52s 832ms
94Underground Base 20m 10s 853ms49m 03s 685ms
95Underground Base 10m 17s 215ms49m 20s 900ms
96Warehouse North0m 11s 504ms49m 32s 404ms
97Warehouse0m 07s 881ms49m 40s 285ms
98Cargo Elevator1m 53s 802ms51m 34s 087ms
99Blast Furnace1m 02s 921ms52m 37s 008ms
100Cargo Elevator1m 51s 949ms54m 28s 957ms
0m 07s 698ms54m 36s 655ms
102Warehouse North0m 10s 834ms54m 47s 489ms
103Underground Base 10m 15s 717ms55m 03s 206ms
104Underground Base 20m 07s 988ms55m 11s 194ms
105Underground Base 3
0m 26s 304ms55m 37s 498ms
106Hot PAL Key0m 06s 663ms55m 44s 161ms
107Command Room0m 27s 910ms56m 12s 071ms
108Underground Base 30m 02s 619ms56m 14s 690ms
109Metal Gear REX (Phase 1)0m 29s 050ms56m 43s 740ms
110Metal Gear REX
0m 19s 196ms57m 02s 936ms
111Liquid Snake1m 43s 984ms58m 46s 920ms
112Escape Route 10m 36s 939ms59m 23s 859ms
113Escape2m 09s 179ms1h 01m 33s 038ms
114Score0m 14s 909ms1h 01m 47s 947ms
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
PC (2000) Minimal Installation now Approved for Leaderboard

After a brief discussion, using the minimal installation for (PC) 2000 is now approved for the leaderboard.

This will continue to be a work in progress to eliminate all potential crashing points.

You can find more information on this forum post here:


5 months ago
ताज़ा धागे
पोस्ट किया गया 14 days ago
2 जवाब
पोस्ट किया गया 3 months ago
8 जवाब
पोस्ट किया गया 5 months ago
23 जवाब
पोस्ट किया गया 1 year ago
33 जवाब
पोस्ट किया गया 1 year ago
15 जवाब