Skip & No Skip%
1 year ago
California, USA

Ever since the discovery of the mission skipping in mech 2, I was thinking about having separate categories. One for completing every mission and another for just utilizing starmate skipping.

California, USA

btw, when I bring this up, I'm referring the full campaign

Rochester, NY, USA

I think the category should exist, only if someone runs it.

How far along is the strategy? Last I checked, the mission skips in Jade Falcon and Wolf campaigns are :

  1. Starmate skip, which can only skip missions where you have a starmate. This should be a new category if someone runs it.
  2. Manually corrupting save files, which shouldn't be a category. It should be against the game rules, as it modifies files before the game launches.
MattyAlanEstock और ProxInDaBox इसे पसंद करें
California, USA

Starmate Skips which can be done by anyone should be allowed. Changing files around should not though.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA

What about the cd bug in 1.0?

More specifically, the 1.0 release crashes the sim if the disc stops spinning before starting a mission, because it cant load the audio track. This kicks ypu back to the shell with the previous mission results, allowing you to skip all missions except the trials

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 9 months ago
California, USA

huh, never heard of that one, can it be done on command without the file manipulation?

Pennsylvania, USA

Yeah, it works off a clean install, but i've only tested it on real hardware, so if it works in dosbox or not isnt known atm. Regardless it will 100% require using a real cd of the pre-win 95 version for it to work.


If its a mission skip run, It should only take 10 or so mins, So maybe doing the run and recording it would be the best solution, Proves the exploit and the fact it is repeatable with very little effort, That way the mod and community can see it for ourselves and decide if its something that is viable for future runs or something that needs to be ruled out now.

Mission skips and massive skip exploits are always a double edged sword in speedrun communitys, Yes you can do them and there funny, But usually it will just cause a new catagory to be created rather then some new hot strat, especially if its skipping the majority of the game, Most people who run these old games are doing it so they can play them, show off old skills or apply new ones, Not sit in menu's for 7 minutes and gain a WR.

Its pretty safe to assume if a skip is large enough it will at the very least warrant a discussion about creating new catagorys, But that conversation rarely happens before someone submits the skip.

MattyAlanEstock इसे पसंद करता है
Pennsylvania, USA

I dont currently have a capture card but i did upload a video of it a couple years ago

Pennsylvania, USA

So i suppose that isnt the most helpful, but if i get my pc set up to record ill do a run

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 9 months ago
Kentucky, USA
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

If I'm not mistaken, isn't this similar to the 'page skip' glitch of MW:2 Mercs?

I know there isn't a ton of uniformity between the series categories, mostly because they're so infrequently run it's not a huge deal. But as long as it's a repeatable glitch on a system, DOSBOX or original hardware, I've got zero issues with adding a category similar to what the expansion has :)

California, USA

I feel like that isn't exactly accessible, especially for people who don't have older machines. Honestly though, starmate skipping seems faster anyways since you have to wait for the CD to do what it needs to. It does take some advanced preparation which makes it a hassle though. Also I could only see that working with wolf campaign as far as skipping temper edge, but again, if you don't have an older machine, it kind of prevents people playing it on emu from doing it.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 9 months ago
California, USA
के द्वारा हटाया गया लेखक
गेम विवरण
हाल की दौड़ें
स्तर: Wolf - Flame Tounge
स्तर: Jade Falcon - Arkham Bridge
स्तर: Wolf - Trial 2
स्तर: Jade Falcon - Trial 4
स्तर: Jade Falcon - Iron Piston
ताज़ा धागे
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