Glitchless rules
1 year ago

Hey, sorry to bother about the rules of this category again, but I genuinely like this category so I want it to make sense as well. I think these things should be added to the rules as well:

  • Using TNT/bombs to parkour is disallowed.

  • You may only use TNT/bombs to explode cracked walls (This means no using Fire Charge, Feu de Dinn, levers or redstone to ignite TNT/bombs.)

  • Re-picking already placed water is disallowed (I don't think it's intended to do so, the same way as you are not supposed to re-pick already placed ladders and stuff)

Then a question: Is death warping allowed if you press the buttons & levers to put your spawn point? (=No incorrect death warping, but just death warping to back-track quicker).


I would like to have my question answered as I have been grinding for 5 hours with death warps and I don't want my effort be for naught.

गेम विवरण
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