Sodium not loading entities in FOV
3 years ago
Cambridgeshire, England

So when I open F3 and try to e-ray my entities don't go over 10/xxx and definitely do not spike to 30/40 (500% ED) even when I'm clearly within the normal boundary for E-raying. I don't have entity culling on and when on 16 chunks and I usually get at most 15/90 but adding them all up it won't be close, and when I up it to 32 chunks, I still get around the same visible entities but can go to about /300 yet still cannot successfully e-ray, any help will be appreciated

South Korea

if you have ED at 500% then idk

i think look all around you not just look around like look down also

and also you might just be unlucky and the bastion is still out of your ED or the bastion just doesnt exist

United States

Make sure you have the correct version of sodium. I once used the wrong version of sodium for a month straight without realizing it and had similar issues. You need to have the backport version by MrMangoHands:

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
Ginge31 इसे पसंद करता है
Cambridgeshire, England

Thank you for both answers, but yes I was using the wrong version of sodium thank you :)

energy9802 इसे पसंद करता है
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Ninjabrain-Bot v1.5.1

Changed version in Ninjabrain-bot resource:

  • [Ninjabrain1] (up to v1.5.1)

Ensure measurements are still accurate after updating, especially with regards to tall resolutions/boat measurements - read the changelog

17 days ago
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